Alexis + Eugenio — We’re in the rain to get wet.

With over 90% chances of heavy down­pour spread through­out the entire day, there was no escap­ing the fact that Alex­is and Eugenio’s wed­ding day was going to be a wet one. But no one was real­ly too dis­ap­point­ed; the cou­ple braved the rain and we got our best line­up of weather-sealed lens­es ready.

The con­stant show­ers could­n’t detract from the inti­mate cel­e­bra­tion these two shared with their clos­est friends and fam­i­ly, who all had fif­teen years worth of sto­ries to draw upon through­out the night. And although this wed­ding was a long time in the mak­ing (we men­tioned fif­teen years, right?!), almost every­one touched on how Alex­is and Euge­nio met. It may or may not have been in an Intro­duc­tion to Span­ish class at Queens Uni­ver­si­ty for which Euge­nio, being half-Argentinian, may or may not have been overqual­i­fied for — it all depends who you ask and which side of the room they were sit­ting on. But as Euge­nio so elo­quent­ly put it, it doesn’t mat­ter how they met, it just mat­ters that they met each other.

ROM wedding ceremony toronto ROM wedding ceremony toronto

A cou­ple of weeks before the wed­ding day, we met with Alex­is and Euge­nio and they told us how so many of their guests would be trav­el­ing in from dif­fer­ent parts of the world — specif­i­cal­ly for Euge­nio, most of his fam­i­ly would be com­ing in from Brazil and Argenti­na, but Alex­is’ sis­ter Michelle would also be trav­el­ling in from Lon­don. It was a mon­u­men­tal event with fam­i­ly mem­bers trav­el­ing from near and far to cel­e­brate their love. As sto­ry­tellers, it seemed like a daunt­ing task to work this into Alex­is and Eugenio’s sto­ry in a way that did­n’t feel forced or con­trived. But they did give us some pret­ty help­ful clues: (1) Michelle would def­i­nite­ly be say­ing some­thing sig­nif­i­cant about them in her speech, and (2) her dad would most def­i­nite­ly try to say some­thing in Por­tuguese. Bank­ing on those two ideas, we put an empha­sis on their fam­i­ly and friends through­out their day, while mak­ing sure not to lose track of the sto­ry­lines we were cap­tur­ing. In the final piece, we feel this idea just sort of wash­es over you in a good way; you’re uncon­scious­ly aware of the over­ar­ch­ing pres­ence of their fam­i­ly and the impor­tant role they play in their wed­ding day, but the focus remains entire­ly on Alex­is and Eugenio.

Royal Conservatory of Music Wedding Reception Royal Conservatory of Music Wedding Reception Royal Conservatory of Music Wedding Reception

The Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music in Toron­to pro­vid­ed the per­fect set­ting for a beau­ti­ful naturally-lit din­ner, but one of the evening’s most notable high­lights was when they opened Koern­er Hall for us, giv­ing Alex­is and Euge­nio a visually-stunning back­drop to prac­tice their first dance against. Giv­en all the archi­tec­tur­al splen­dour of the day (the cer­e­mo­ny was at St. Basil’s Parish), we made con­stant use of the Canon 14mm rec­ti­lin­ear prime on C100s. That com­bi­na­tion on the Movi M5 helped us cre­ate some pret­ty breath­tak­ing sequences of the cou­ple mak­ing their way through these amaz­ing interiors.

Alexis and Eugenio Entrance Alexis and Eugenio First Dance

We had a blast shar­ing in such a per­fect day and we could­n’t have done it with­out Lisa at Bliss Events who made sure that all we had to wor­ry about was our fram­ing and storytelling!

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