Angela + Barry — You are my home.

You won’t find big­ger fans of the odd weath­er we’ve been giv­en in Toron­to this sum­mer than us. Yes, the con­stant threat of thun­der­storms is unwel­come, but the cli­mate on either side of these storms yields the most per­fect of shoot­ing con­di­tions — over­cast skies, vibrant colours, beau­ti­ful clouds, and moody scenes (you may remem­ber us say­ing just this just a few weeks ago). It’s not the typ­i­cal fore­cast a wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er usu­al­ly hopes for, but despite calls for rain on almost every sin­gle wed­ding we’ve had this past sea­son, we’ve been con­sis­tent­ly on the per­fect end of each storm. That’s where Angela and Bar­ry come in.

It’s not the typ­i­cal fore­cast a wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er usu­al­ly hopes for, but despite calls for rain on almost every sin­gle wed­ding we’ve had this past sea­son, we’ve been con­sis­tent­ly on the per­fect end of each storm.

On a day where loom­ing clouds fore­shad­owed heavy storms from ear­ly on in the morn­ing, we were hap­py to see the cou­ple con­tin­ue with their plans for an out­door cer­e­mo­ny on the edge of the Gray­don Hall Manor gar­den. The over­cast weath­er pro­vid­ed this beau­ti­ful soft light for both of their first looks and the exten­sive set­up that was hap­pen­ing around an arbour Bar­ry him­self had con­struct­ed. By the time guests start­ed arriv­ing, heav­ier clouds moved in and, as some light drops began to fall from the sky, the cer­e­mo­ny was rushed to a start as we all hoped to beat the rain. But just as Angela and Bar­ry pre­pared to exchange their vows, the clouds part­ed let­ting in a per­fect­ly dif­fused ray of direct sun­light. That beau­ti­ful light remained until the very moment guests were called to enter the manor for din­ner. That’s no exag­ger­a­tion — a com­plete down­pour start­ed as soon as their friends and fam­i­ly start­ed tak­ing their seats.

And, and, and… just a cou­ple of hours lat­er, it all cleared just in time for their out­door first dance. The result­ing fog, accent­ed by our lights, just anoth­er gift from the crazy weath­er that tied every theme of Angela and Bar­ry’s film togeth­er — their chore­o­graphed first dance — just one of many dances they share in their home — and the very emo­tion­al strug­gles they’ve shared and over­come in their relationship.

This may be a lit­tle taboo to say but: cheers to the rest of this cloudy, stormy season 🥂⛈

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