
A Vibrant Hindu Fusion Wedding at Graydon Hall Manor

Mol­lie and Con­nor reached out to us in 2021 after binge watch­ing our films on Youtube and falling in love with our wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phy and sto­ry­telling approach. Based in Van­cou­ver, they were remote­ly plan­ning their Gray­don Hall Manor cel­e­bra­tion in Toron­to — their hometown.

And while we’ve shot count­less beau­ti­ful and jaw-dropping events at Gray­don Hall through­out the years, Mol­lie and Connor’s spe­cial day marked a unique first – a vibrant Hin­du wed­ding across the ele­gant grounds. This colour­ful cel­e­bra­tion was a remark­able fusion of tra­di­tions and cul­tures, turn­ing the beau­ti­ful gar­dens and court­yards of Gray­don Hall into the per­fect back­drop for M+C’s love story.

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An Ethereal Secret Garden Wedding at Casa Loma in Toronto

It wasn’t until our last meet­ing with Marisa + Josh that they told us they were plan­ning to forego wed­ding videog­ra­phy alto­geth­er. That was until they stum­bled upon our work.

It’s not the first time a cou­ple has shared this sen­ti­ment with us but, being cre­atives them­selves, M+J spe­cial­ly picked up on some of the intri­ca­cies that set our films apart. They loved our sound design, the filmic qual­i­ty of our wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phy, our bold music choic­es and that our nar­ra­tives didn’t feel “cheesy” — they were real and true to the cou­ple. But what they real­ly appre­ci­at­ed was that each one of our films felt unique­ly its own. As they worked their way through our port­fo­lio, they noticed every video was dif­fer­ent struc­tural­ly and cre­ative­ly, reflect­ing the cou­ple at the core of each story.

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Romantic Spring Garden Wedding At Graydon Hall Manor

Set in the always beau­ti­ful Gray­don Hall Manor in Toron­to, Danielle and Andrew’s was a day we’ve been look­ing for­ward to since Emma (Andrew’s sis­ter) and Mark com­plete­ly trans­formed Ever­green Brick­works into an enchant­ed gar­den last year. We felt so wel­comed and at ease with their fam­i­lies and knew that D+A’s wed­ding would be noth­ing short of magical. 

A bride and groom stand in front of Graydon Hall Manor by Outside In Studio, Toronto Wedding Videographers Smiling Wedding Couple Hold Each Other Close con­tin­ue read­ing »
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Ramneek + Jon — I was drawn to you from the moment we met.

With an epic, multi-day cel­e­bra­tion cul­mi­nat­ing in an inti­mate recep­tion with­in the cas­tle halls of Casa Loma in Toron­to, we had no short­age of incred­i­ble imagery to work with for Ram­neek + Jon’s wed­ding film. 

We’ve talked about the grandios­i­ty of South Asian wed­dings before and how we choose to tack­le them dif­fer­ent­ly. You see, across the dif­fer­ent days, cer­e­monies and per­for­mances, the final piece can quick­ly become about show­ing the “larger-than-life” cel­e­bra­tion instead of craft­ing a nar­ra­tive around the cou­ple. And while the vibrant colours, out­fit changes and cul­tur­al tra­di­tions of Indi­an wed­dings are def­i­nite­ly inspir­ing aspects for any wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er, we find that keep­ing our cou­ples at the heart of the sto­ry the key to mak­ing a great video with a last­ing impression.

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Emily + Myles — I vow to be everything you need.

Locat­ed on the qui­et shores of Lake Joseph — affec­tion­ate­ly referred to as Lake Joe by locals — Emi­ly and Myles gath­ered all their friends and fam­i­ly to the Sher­wood Inn to cel­e­brate their wed­ding weekend.

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Katie + Taylor — You and me forever.

As you’ll hear quite a few times in their wed­ding film, Katie + Tay­lor have been togeth­er for 15 years — an impres­sive feat made even more incred­i­ble by the fact that these two met and fell in love in grade 9 🥹

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Kalinka + Adriano — Your love is all I ever dreamt of.

We’ve said it before and we know we’ll say it again: the most sig­nif­i­cant piece of advise we can give our cou­ples is to be ful­ly present in and enjoy the wed­ding day. Tru­ly live it. Take in every moment of the celebration.

It makes all the dif­fer­ence in the final wed­ding video.

You can feel the ener­gy when a cou­ple is ful­ly invest­ed in their day. The guests’ excite­ment dur­ing the cock­tail hour tends to build into incred­i­ble recep­tion entrances and wild dance floors. It’s a vibe.

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Emma + Mark — You’re the line to my kite.

There are some wed­ding films that are almost impos­si­ble to describe because the video itself so per­fect­ly encap­su­lates a cou­ple and their cel­e­bra­tion. This is the case for Emma and Mark.

I mean, how do you put into words Emma’s infec­tious laugh­ter, Mark’s calm­ing pres­ence, how pal­pa­ble their love is when they are with each oth­er, or how their wed­ding com­plete­ly trans­formed Ever­green Brick­works with one of the most elab­o­rate cock­tail and recep­tion lay­outs we’ve ever seen.

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