Madi + Alan — You have made me so fundamentally happy.

Set on their family’s pri­vate island in Musko­ka, Madi and Alan’s cel­e­bra­tion is one we’ve been look­ing for­ward to from the moment we met with them almost a year ago.

The two would be boat­ing over their entire guest list for a par­ty span­ning the whole island — from Alan’s prep in the bunkhouse, to Madi’s in the main cot­tage, their cer­e­mo­ny on the dock and a tent­ed recep­tion on the ten­nis courts. There was plen­ty of dis­tance for their loved ones to tra­verse, but there were beau­ti­ful dec­o­ra­tions and details to be admired (as well as plen­ty of drinks to be had) along the way.

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Bindia + Jonathan — You truly saw me.

As you make your way through our body of work, you’ll like­ly pick up on just how impor­tant of a role music plays in each piece we put togeth­er. It’s some­thing we get asked about almost as often as our colour grad­ing or our lens choic­es, and we think that’s because we tend to make bold choic­es across our projects.

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Jackie + Ken — I could do this forever.

We think it’s fair to say that get­ting mar­ried in the time of COVID-19 altered many of our cou­ples’ and our own expec­ta­tions of what a wed­ding should be. Scratch the larg­er ball­rooms, four-tiered wed­ding cakes, and ten-piece band-led dance floors and enter the inti­mate wed­ding. Because big­ger doesn’t always mean bet­ter and a pan­dem­ic cel­e­bra­tion doesn’t mean you have to mud­dle through less than ide­al plans. In many cas­es our cou­ples have more than “made do” and their big days have been even more mean­ing­ful than any­one could have anticipated.

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Baby Riley | A birth story


We pause for many rea­sons: to lis­ten, to reflect, to revere, to be present. We pause for lit­tle things — like cross­ing the street — and big things — like tak­ing time away from our busy sched­ules to cel­e­brate hol­i­days and spe­cial occa­sions. For the past year, we’ve had to pause for our safe­ty and pause became a per­pet­u­al part of every day life. Each of us have had our own set of com­pro­mis­es, dis­ap­point­ments, and hard­ships and we had to find new ways to embrace this state of being.

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Bianca + Massimo — I’m lucky to call you my better half.

You wouldn’t be able to tell after watch­ing Bian­ca and Massimo’s film that their wed­ding took place in the mid­dle of a pandemic.

Yet despite all the hur­dles, hard­ships and dif­fi­cul­ties that 2020 pre­sent­ed these two, they nev­er wavered. They were going to get mar­ried on Sep­tem­ber 26 regard­less of what that cel­e­bra­tion looked like. There’s some­thing real­ly pow­er­ful about that sentiment.

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Vanessa + Gabriel — The living reflection of my dreams.

Vanes­sa and Gabriel’s recep­tion was some­thing to behold. Not only were there flow­ers hang­ing, sit­ting, and spilling out of every cor­ner of the room, but the can­dles and rich, fall decor com­bined with the neon glow of the Globe and Mail Cen­tre cre­at­ed an entire­ly sur­re­al atmos­phere. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Kristyn + Domenic — Happy home. Happy life.

It would be an under­state­ment to say we were so excit­ed when Kristyn + Dom told us their wed­ding would be tak­ing place entire­ly at the Four Sea­sons Hotel in Yorkville. With its clean, mod­ern spaces, mag­nif­i­cent archi­tec­ture, and mut­ed colour scheme, it’s by far one of our favourite venues and getting-ready loca­tions in the city. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Sarah + Patrick’s film featured on blogTO

It’s sur­re­al to be scrolling through one of your favourite blogs to find your work fea­tured as a news sto­ry.

While Patrick was a for­mer Rap­tor, he was born, lives and has played for mul­ti­ple NBA teams since his days in Toron­to, so his and Sarah’s deci­sion to host their union in the 6ix was a great point of pride for the city — some­thing that the arti­cle touch­es on in detail. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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