Christina + Thilakshan — You’ve given me the world.

Christi­na & Thi­lak­shan are adven­tur­ers. It’s some­thing we picked up on very quick­ly as they told us of their many and var­ied shared expe­ri­ences — from shark-cage div­ing, to hik­ing through Banff and trav­el­ing across Thai­land. We thought we could relate by let­ting them in on what was then our soon-to-be flight on a tiny plane with Jen­ny and Neal, but then they told us they had also sky-dived togeth­er off of a small and very ques­tion­able plane them­selves. Like we said, Christi­na and TK are adventurers.

Tobermory Wedding Cinematography Tobermory National Park portrait shoot CHristina and TK hiking through cliffs Tobermory Grotto lookout

It was an aspect of their rela­tion­ship that we want­ed to high­light in their film. Through­out our first few talks and into our first face-to-face meet­ing with them (once they found them­selves in Toron­to), we talked about why wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phy was impor­tant to them and what they envi­sioned for their wed­ding video. For one, they want­ed a sto­ry that reflect­ed “them” draw­ing upon their wed­ding day and ele­ments out­side of it to paint a full por­trait of who they real­ly are. Anoth­er impor­tant aspect would be their Sri Lankan Hin­du cer­e­mo­ny, which would have so many intri­cate rit­u­als. Both of these com­po­nents were right up our alley and we wouldn’t dream of mak­ing a film — wed­ding or oth­er­wise — that wouldn’t reflect our subject.

Christina Bride's Dress Wedding Video Christina getting ready Toronto Bride TK getting ready Groom's Prep Toronto Groom

Think­ing about it now, we can’t remem­ber who brought up Tober­mory as a pos­si­bil­i­ty for their por­trait shoot, but we imme­di­ate­ly fell in love with the idea of Christi­na and TK hik­ing through the wind­ing paths and rocky cliffs. It would not only look amaz­ing, but it would also be an adven­ture where we would can­did­ly cap­ture them explor­ing this new loca­tion togeth­er for the first time. So a cou­ple of weeks before the big day, we drove up to Tober­mory and hiked through the trails with them. This sounds a lot more flat­ter­ing than the real­i­ty, which was both of us shoot­ing while bal­anc­ing shoot­sacs, tripods and a bunch of oth­er gear across our arms and shoul­ders. The Movi M5 was our best friend, allow­ing us to keep up with the cou­ple with­out miss­ing a sin­gle sec­ond of the beau­ti­ful­ly cin­e­mat­ic hike through the woods. Once on the cliffs, we alter­nat­ed between the Movi and Man­frot­to monopods — but most­ly the lat­ter, which allowed us to slow down the pace through the rocky terrain.

Toronto Hindu Wedding Ceremony Sri Lankan Hindu Ceremony Sri Lankan Hindu Ceremony Bride Reading Card for Wedding Video Bride Reading Card for Wedding Video Toronto Botanical Gardens Hindu Ceremony Hindu Wedding Videography at Toronto Botanical Gardens

For the hin­du cer­e­mo­ny, our focus was on shoot­ing each rit­u­al dif­fer­ent­ly and in a man­ner that high­light­ed the excite­ment and colour­ful nature of every detail. We can say we used pret­ty much every­thing in our arse­nal dur­ing the almost 3‑hour long event at the Toron­to Botan­i­cal Gar­dens — from tripods, to monopods, to Movis and from the Canon 14mm f/2.8 to the 135mm f/2.0 and every lens in between.

Sri Lankan Hindu Priest Wedding Ceremony Sri Lankan Hindu Wedding Ceremony Videographer Christina & TK walking Christina & TK walking Toronto Botanical Garden Wedding Cinema

Bridg­ing all these dif­fer­ent scenes togeth­er is the emo­tion­al nar­ra­tive that Christi­na and TK penned to each oth­er in their cards to each oth­er. In them, they talk about their excite­ment to final­ly take off on their biggest and most excit­ing adven­ture yet — their marriage.

Cliffs of Tobermory

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