Featured on WedLuxe’s Winter/Spring 2017 Issue

WedLuxe Magazine Spring Winter 2017 Issue

Snowy days are for perus­ing the lat­est issue of Wed­Luxe Mag­a­zine and check­ing out Rouzhin and Naram’s wed­ding at the AGO Art Gallery of Ontario. We’re so hap­py to be fea­tured in the mag­a­zine and blog as the wed­ding video­g­ra­phers for this jaw-dropping cel­e­bra­tion and all of its Marie-Antoinette-inspired details.

Why do we love this wed­ding so much? Aside from com­plete­ly trans­form­ing each room at the AGO into enchant­ed gar­dens (bal­leri­nas et all), Rouzhin and Naram kept their love and their guests at the heart of their day. Their touch­ing vows pro­vide an inti­mate nar­ra­tive that grounds their sto­ry amongst all these grandiose elements.

Watch their beau­ti­ful high­light film below and peruse through a list of all the tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als that helped make this all hap­pen below that.

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