Iva + Chris — The things you want the most, you have to work the hardest to get.

It feels sur­re­al to only be shar­ing this film now in mid-december, when Iva and Chris’ wed­ding was actu­al­ly our first of the sea­son back in April. Every­one who was a part of this wed­ding knew in the ear­ly stages that it was des­tined to grace the pages of Wed­luxe, and so we’ve held off on post­ing their film (as hard as it’s been) until today when it pre­miered on the Wed­luxe blog!

As Chris men­tions in the video, he met Iva while wait­ing in line out­side of the Rehab pool par­ty in Las Vegas. It was a ran­dom occur­rence but com­plete­ly ‘Iva and Chris’. They love Vegas. In fact our talks over cof­fee always veered off into Chris con­vinc­ing us on vis­it­ing and how to prop­er­ly make the most of it once we were there. We knew the sto­ry of how they met would come up at some point dur­ing the day, but as we heard more about the elab­o­rate plan­ning and design that was going into the cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion spaces, we real­ized that this would be an impor­tant ele­ment of Iva and Chris’ celebrations.

When we con­tact­ed Lau­ra at Lau­ra & Co, she let us in on the fact that this would be Rachel Clingen’s most exten­sive arrange­ment of the year. They’d be start­ing set-up ear­ly in the morn­ing and con­tin­ue build­ing up until the cer­e­mo­ny at 5:30PM. We arrived ear­li­er than expect­ed on the day of, so we could cap­ture the room com­ing togeth­er, and made it a pri­or­i­ty to check in on its progress through­out the day. Even that didn’t pre­pare us for the fin­ished space. Rachel trans­formed the Four Sea­sons into an enchant­ed for­est — flo­rals ele­gant­ly explod­ing from every cor­ner, vase, and instal­ment in sight. Drapes cov­ered the win­dows to block the cityscape and enclose the couple’s fam­i­ly and friends in the ceremony’s mag­i­cal surroundings.

Need­less to say: every­one was blown away.

This film has been a long time com­ing and we’re just hap­py to be able to share Iva and Chris’ sto­ry today. Enjoy!

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