Jen + Dave — A portrait film.

Por­trait films are what we like to think of as the video alter­na­tive to engage­ment pho­tos. Film how­ever, allow for an almost 3‑dimensional look into the life­syle or per­son­al­ity of a cou­ple, draw­ing upon sight and sound to help tell a sto­ry. So for us, the goal is to cre­ate a video “por­trait” of the cou­ple, using our tools to tell the sto­ry of their indi­vid­ual and shared experiences.


As with all of our films, the inspi­ra­tion for this por­trait came right from Jen and Dave. They made it real­ly easy for us and unknow­ingly pro­vided the for­mat of their video in their answer to our first exer­cise: How do you Sun­day? They told us that Sun­days were their day to take it slow and catch up on life. Dave spends most of the morn­ing doing dish­es and loung­ing in front of the TV, while Jen research­es recipes for the week. They con­fessed that they were a “bor­ing cou­ple on Sun­days” but we loved the idea that the two of them could feel close while being in the same space and enjoy­ing total­ly dif­fer­ent activ­i­ties. Their Sunday’s also includ­ed a week­ly vis­it with fam­ily for a good ole’ fash­ioned BBQ and we of course tagged along.



We love how true to life their film feels. By fol­low­ing them from their apart­ment (and cute kit­ty haven), to their family’s house, to the win­ery where Dave pro­posed, we get a sense of how easy these two are around each oth­er and that they are hap­py doing any­thing as long as they are together.


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