Jessie + Stephen — #drayterberg.

Most wed­dings these days have an insta­gram hash­tag, but Jessie and Stephen’s had a bit more sig­nif­i­cance than oth­ers. #drayter­berg rep­re­sent­ed a lot more than a sim­ple way for the cou­ple to find and go through a col­lec­tion of insta­gram pho­tos. A blend­ing of both their last names, #drayter­berg rep­re­sent­ed the com­ing togeth­er of not only two incred­i­ble peo­ple, but two adorable families.

Grand Victorian Niagara on The Lake Wedding Photos Destination Wedding Videography Photo Tree

Jessie and Stephen are from San Diego, so their cel­e­bra­tion in Nia­gara on the Lake was a des­ti­na­tion wed­ding with their clos­est friends and rel­a­tives. They had us out for the entire week­end, allow­ing us to immerse our­selves in all their wed­ding fes­tiv­i­ties, includ­ing a very emo­tion­al rehearsal din­ner the night before the big day. From every­thing they had shared with us pri­or to the wed­ding, we knew going into the week­end that our focus would be on their fam­i­ly and friends, but we quick­ly real­ized why. From the moment we met with the guys for a round of golf on Fri­day morn­ing right down to the last fire­work, we were wel­comed by some of the kind­est, most car­ing peo­ple we have ever met. When we say this week­end was immer­sive, we mean it in every sin­gle way; we did­n’t feel like video­g­ra­phers, we were involved in every aspect of the wed­ding and felt like we were a part of it all, going through the whirl­wind of emo­tions that every­one around us was feeling.

Golfing GolfingGolfingJessie's LetterJessie ReactionBridesmaids CryingBridesmaids' gifts Groomsmen's giftsVictorian Grand

It was all very fit­ting that Jessie and Stephen designed the entire (very beau­ti­ful) expe­ri­ence with their spe­cial guests in mind — set­ting up a gor­geous rus­tic cock­tail hour space sur­round­ed by pho­tos of their jour­ney togeth­er and treat­ing them to an amaz­ing fire­works dis­play at the end of the night.

Personal Vows Rustic Ceremony Personal Vows Rustic Ceremony drayterberg-20Cocktail Hour Family Cocktail Reception Cocktail hourWedding Fireworks

It feels like there’s a lot we could talk about: our approach, the themes, the way we tran­si­tioned between the dif­fer­ent scenes, but we think the film speaks for itself and real­ly cap­tures all the laughs and tears of this per­fect week­end in the heart of wine country!

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