Katrina + Brett — With you is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

From very ear­ly on, Kat­ri­na and Brett told us that wed­ding videog­ra­phy was one of the most impor­tant ele­ments of their day and the keep­sake they were look­ing for­ward to the most. That didn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly change our approach, but it did spark much excite­ment going into their cel­e­bra­tion at the scenic Kurtz Orchards in Nia­gara on the Lake. They were excit­ed for us to lend our style and approach to their wed­ding day and we were excit­ed to tell their sto­ry and wan­der through the vine­yards at sun­set with them.

They were excit­ed for us to lend our style and approach to their wed­ding day and we were excit­ed to tell their sto­ry and wan­der through the vine­yards at sun­set with them.

Kurtz Orchard Niagara on the Lake Wedding Videographer

As is the case with all our NHL cou­ples, the hard­est part was get­ting to a meet­ing where we can hash out all our ideas. Because Kat­ri­na and Brett live in Wash­ing­ton dur­ing the hock­ey sea­son, we weren’t able to sit down with them until a cou­ple of weeks before the wed­ding day, but once we did, we were com­plete­ly cap­ti­vat­ed by the warm and inti­mate cel­e­bra­tion they were planning.

Kurtz Orchard Gracewood estate Wedding Bride's Makeup at Gracewood Estate Bride's Makeup at Gracewood Estate Groom gets ready for wedding on Niagara on the Lake Groom gets ready for wedding on Niagara on the Lake

A small cer­e­mo­ny under the trees behind the Grace­wood Estate fol­lowed by cock­tail drinks and san­gria in the Kurtz gar­dens and cul­mi­nat­ing in a family-style din­ner amongst the vines sound­ed like pure mag­ic, but it was all the intri­cate details that sealed the deal. The cus­tom Con­nollys neon sign was a sight and the fact that the cou­ple found a pho­to­graph they had tak­en with each of their guests and used them as place­hold­ers along with a per­son­al­ized note (seri­ous­ly!) was a tes­ta­ment to the endur­ing friend­ships they’ve built together.

Katrina's Wedding Card Katrina reads card for wedding videographer Wedding card from groom Groom's Prep in Niagara on the Lake Wedding Groom's Preparations Toronto Wedding Videography Bride gets ready Kurtz Orchard Wedding in Niagara on the Lake Kurtz Orchard Wedding Brett and Katrina Connolly NHL Wedding

With a nar­ra­tive span­ning their first moments as a cou­ple, reflec­tions on their con­stant­ly chang­ing lifestyle, their promis­es to each oth­er, and a beau­ti­ful con­tem­pla­tion of just how impor­tant each and every per­son in atten­dance is to Kat­ri­na and Brett, our goal was to cre­ate a piece that bal­ances both themes at hand — the cel­e­bra­tion of their union and the friends and fam­i­ly that have played a large role in their lives.

Groom at Kurtz Ceremony Bride at Kurtz Ceremony First Kiss at Niagara on the Lake Wedding Vineyard Wedding Niagara on the Lake Wedding Cinematography

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