Leah + Marco — Lee found her Fini.

There was an over­whelm­ing sense of excite­ment sur­round­ing Leah and Marco’s wed­ding day, not just to cel­e­brate a mar­riage 10 years in the mak­ing but, to every­one in the know, it was the last evo­lu­tion of a wed­ding that had changed, shift­ed, and trans­formed many times in the months lead­ing up to it. What was in its ear­ly stages a Cal­i­for­nia vine­yard wed­ding became an ele­gant and ethe­re­al affair at the King Edward Hotel’s recent­ly reopened Crys­tal Ball­room, brought to life by Blush and Bowties and White Oak, whose pop­py arrange­ments had us like whoa.

What was in its ear­ly stages a Cal­i­for­nia vine­yard wed­ding became an ele­gant and ethe­re­al affair at the King Edward Hotel’s recent­ly reopened Crys­tal Ballroom.

Leah and Mar­co first reached out to us when they stum­bled upon our work last Sep­tem­ber. They loved our cin­e­matog­ra­phy, our sto­ry­telling, and the way our wed­ding films framed a cou­ple and the emo­tion and inti­ma­cy of their rela­tion­ship and their day. They want­ed just that, but one thing that was clear from the begin­ning, is that they want­ed their film to explode with excitement.

And so we arrive at this piece. The first few frames — time­laps­es of the Toron­to sky­line at sun­rise and moody shots of the Four Sea­sons — estab­lish an antic­i­pa­tion and urgency for the nar­ra­tive that will play out. From there, the sto­ry slow­ly builds as it seam­less­ly weaves Leah and Marco’s morn­ing preps, their cards and the set­up at the King Edward before the song explodes with its anthemic riff as we head into the cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion. There’s a lot of things we love about this video — Leah’s pro­ces­sion­al accent­ed by the rain­bow of colours through the church’s win­dows, their post-ceremony dri­ve in Marco’s vin­tage Mus­tang, their friends and fam­i­ly let­ting loose on the dance floor and thy way all of it works togeth­er to build the excite­ment Leah and Mar­co knew would char­ac­ter­ize their day all along.

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