Michelle + Steve — Home is wherever you’re together.

Michelle and Steve St. lawrence Hall Wedding Cinematography

It was prob­a­bly only 10 min­utes into our very first meet­ing with Michelle and Steve that they told us about their world-traveling adven­tures. They’ve been to some pret­ty crazy cor­ners of the world, but it was when they told us that they motor­cy­cled their way through Viet­nam that they had our com­plete admi­ra­tion. We devot­ed a good amount of that first encounter to dis­cussing all the places they’ve been to in detail, and our own plans to vis­it Japan lat­er in the year. The excite­ment they both shared when recount­ing their adven­tures made on thing clear: this is who they are, this is what they do, this is their story.

Michelle and Steve Wedding Video Michelle and Steve Wedding Video Steve Toronto Groom Toronto Wedding Videography Card Cupcake Bride Prep michellesteve-9 michellesteve-10 michellesteve-11 michellesteve-12

As their day approached, we had come to terms with the fact that only real­is­tic way to work their love for trav­el into their wed­ding film was by weav­ing their speech­es into the oth­er sto­ry­lines of the day, but we were pleas­ant­ly sur­prised when we arrived at their beau­ti­ful recep­tion at the St. Lawrence Hall in Toron­to. Now we love when dec­o­ra­tions and favours say some­thing about the cou­ple, but Michelle and Steve’s were radi­at­ing with their per­son­al­i­ty — from the framed atlas to the globe that was set out for guests to sign, almost every detail had some­thing to say about the cou­ple’s world­ly treks.

Door Crashing Games Door Crashing Games Door Crashing Games michellesteve-16 michellesteve-17 Trinity Chapel Wedding Video Trinity Chapel Wedding michellesteve-20 michellesteve-21 michellesteve-22 michellesteve-23michellesteve-25 St. lawrence Hall

There’s so much we love about this wed­ding film: the hilar­i­ous door crash­ing games, the beau­ti­ful cer­e­mo­ny at Trin­i­ty Chapel, all the good lit­tle moments dur­ing the tea cer­e­monies, and cup­cakes! Watch it all in their film below :)

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