Sharon + Scott — I get lost in your sight.

Loca­tion is a huge part of every wed­ding film — or any film for that mat­ter. It plays a large role in set­ting the over­all tone of the sto­ry and has the pow­er to reflect the character’s per­son­al­i­ties, emo­tions, and inten­tions. Such is the case for Sharon and Scott’s film, in which the Ancast­er Mill’s atmos­pher­ic nat­ur­al set­tings and warm, mod­ern archi­tec­ture pro­vide the per­fect back­drop for their small and inti­mate celebration.

We found our­selves grav­i­tat­ing towards the pow­er­ful water­fall that rips through the grounds, flow­ing through every major space at the Mill, and thus every scene.

The Ancast­er Mill had actu­al­ly played the set­ting for two of our ear­li­est wed­ding films. Hav­ing grown a lot as cin­e­matog­ra­phers, film­mak­ers, and sto­ry­tellers since those first few years, it was inter­est­ing to see which ele­ments stuck out to us now and how we want­ed to cap­ture them to enhance Sharon and Scott’s film. Beyond the beau­ti­ful green­ery, we found our­selves grav­i­tat­ing towards the pow­er­ful water­fall that rips through the grounds, flow­ing through every major space at the Mill, and thus every scene. Like­wise, when estab­lish­ing the water­fall, we want­ed our shots to flow and move slow­ly through each set­ting that the water pass­es through, build­ing antic­i­pa­tion as the music climbs and the edit sto­ry kicks off.

ancaster mill outdoor wedding ancaster mill outdoor wedding ancaster mill outdoor wedding ancaster mill outdoor wedding

Nar­ra­tive­ly speak­ing, this film is sim­ply about Sharon, Scott, and their jour­ney togeth­er. From both of them recount­ing how quick­ly and eas­i­ly they earned each other’s love and trust, the nar­ra­tive is a sim­ple one that so clear­ly paints a pic­ture of the love they share and how effort­less­ly they share it. And as sim­ple as that motif is, it is a pow­er­ful one that the sto­ry focus­es on and builds up from as Sharon and Scott come togeth­er — for their first look, to their first kiss, then to their first dance.

outdoor ceremony personal vows outdoor ceremony personal vows ancaster mill wedding outdoor ceremony ancaster mill outdoor ceremony first look wedding processional

As their offi­ciant Grant announces how­ev­er, although their jour­ney has been incred­i­ble, they are still only at the start of it, and as the film clos­es, we see them start this new jour­ney togeth­er as hus­band and wife.

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