Sisi + William — Wǒ ài nǐ.

One ques­tion we get asked by a lot of cou­ples, plan­ners, and oth­er wed­ding video­g­ra­phers is how we adapt our style to non-English-speaking wed­dings where the lan­guage bar­ri­ers could affect what we shoot and, ulti­mate­ly, the sto­ry being told. This prob­a­bly comes from the fact that, in 6 years, we’ve been hap­py to be the wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phers for many dif­fer­ent cul­tur­al cel­e­bra­tions across Toron­to; from Chi­nese to Indi­an, Sri Lankan, Per­sian, Kore­an, Jew­ish, Greek, Ital­ian, etc.

So how do we know what to focus on when a speech or moment is unfold­ing in front of us in a lan­guage we don’t under­stand? It’s actu­al­ly very easy. Emo­tions, tone and body lan­guage are all uni­ver­sal. You can eas­i­ly tell what parts of a speech are impor­tant just by the way the words are spo­ken, by the facial expres­sions of those who are being addressed, by the way the mood in a room changes from qui­et to vibrant or vice ver­sa. By pick­ing up on these sub­tle cues, we can quick­ly iden­ti­fy what to focus on and shoot all the ele­ments we need to put togeth­er a couple’s sto­ry. This was the case for Sisi and William’s wed­ding day, where almost every­thing but the cer­e­mo­ny was in Chi­nese, and whose sto­ry and tra­di­tions were large­ly influ­enced by Chi­nese culture.

Sisi and William went to the same high school, but didn’t know each oth­er until they trav­elled to Cana­da for their stud­ies. We won’t spoil any­more of the nar­ra­tive but fate def­i­nite­ly played a role in bring­ing these two together.

The title of the film comes from William’s vows. It’s a sim­ple title, but one that con­nects this cou­ple to each oth­er and the Chi­nese cul­tur­al tra­di­tions that played a large role in their day. It means, “I love you” in Cantonese.

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