Blanca + Alphonse — In those moments, it feels like slow dancing.

This is a sim­ple sto­ry, and we love that. Why? Because with­in the sim­plic­i­ty of this nar­ra­tive lies a pow­er­ful theme — one that we can com­pli­ment with com­plex sequences of visu­als and audio and still not dis­tract from the mes­sage at hand. Those are our favourite sto­ries to tell.

With­in the sim­plic­i­ty of this nar­ra­tive lies a pow­er­ful theme — one that we can com­pli­ment with com­plex sequences of visu­als and audio and still not dis­tract from the mes­sage at hand.

Blan­ca and Alphonse met with us two win­ters ago in hopes of cre­at­ing a wed­ding film with a por­trait por­tion, shot before the wed­ding day itself, to real­ly cap­ture who they are as a cou­ple. Over the com­ing year, we talked about what made them them — what they liked to do togeth­er, what each had brought to the rela­tion­ship — and one theme we picked up on was their pas­sion for cook­ing and eat­ing togeth­er. We sug­gest­ed they cook some­thing for our shoot and we were delight­ed when they arrived at sushi. It was a sim­ple yet com­plex process with a lot of repet­i­tive tasks which would allow us to get cre­ative with our shots.

sushi portrait session sushi portrait session sushi portrait session wedding film

We kept it equal­ly sim­ple on the tech­ni­cal side of things. C100 Mark IIs on our Man­frot­to monopods allowed us to max­i­mize our cov­er­age while min­i­miz­ing our foot­print — a must when squeez­ing 4 peo­ple into a small kitchen. We focused on move­ment that accent­ed the action and always made sure to take a step back to ana­lyze each process and how to cap­ture it best. We main­ly stuck to our 24L and 35L, but hopped on the 135mm when we want­ed to hone in on spe­cif­ic actions that called for a lit­tle more focus and dra­ma — a deci­sion that so per­fect­ly cap­tured those small moments that Blan­ca and Alphonse described as spe­cial in their interview.

sushi close-up canon 135mm sushi close-up canon 135mm ba-7 Portrait film outside in studio

Some­times, it’s the unex­pect­ed ele­ments of a shoot that become the strongest aspects of the final piece, and that’s exact­ly what hap­pened here. When Blan­ca made the con­nec­tion to how cook­ing togeth­er feels as if they were shar­ing a slow dance, it gave us the per­fect tran­si­tion to their first dance on their wed­ding day. The moment we stopped record­ing that seg­ment, we knew we had a beau­ti­ful film on our hands, even before know­ing what the wed­ding itself had in store for us.

Sim­ply put, Blan­ca and Alphonse live in the lit­tle moments. Whether craft­ing sushi at home or shar­ing their first dance, each instant they spend togeth­er is equal­ly sig­nif­i­cant and there’s some­thing pow­er­ful­ly beau­ti­ful in that.

Come for the sushi, stay for the celebration.

groom's card groom reads bride's card bride reading card from groom bride's card read for wedding video blanca alphonse first dance prepared sushi portrait film
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