Ethereal Styled Shoot at District 28

Back in ear­ly May, Alexan­dra from Blush & Bowties approached us to do a wed­ding styled shoot at Dis­trict 28. She had gath­ered an amaz­ing team of Toron­to wed­ding ven­dors and want­ed us on board to shoot some cre­ative ele­ments while doc­u­ment­ing how it all came togeth­er. There were so many things we loved about the project from that first talk — the blend­ing of indus­tri­al and ethe­re­al ele­ments, the incred­i­ble “white dome” room, and the sim­plic­i­ty of the con­cept, which would real­ly let the spaces speak for them­selves — so we set out to cre­ate a short piece that high­light­ed these ele­ments while telling the sto­ry of the shoot itself.

District 28 Wedding Style Shoot Outside In Studio on the Canon C100 Wedding Stationery Toronto

Instead of putting togeth­er a mon­tage of the com­plet­ed sets and dec­o­ra­tions or com­mit­ting to a behind-the-scenes video, we inte­grat­ed each approach into a film that paints a full pic­ture of the entire process. We tease a few shots of the final set at the begin­ning (estab­lish­ing the what and the where), and then we go straight back to the draw­ing board to see how every­one on the team made it hap­pen (the how), and Alex’s nar­ra­tion explains the con­cept behind the entire shoot (the why).

Outside In Studio on the Canon C100 d28-5

The final prod­uct was the cul­mi­na­tion of so many tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als’ work from Toron­to and the west end, and as cin­e­matog­ra­phers, it was a dream to shoot in each space as it transformed.

A list of all the amaz­ing peo­ple behind the mag­ic below.

Plan­ner, Design­er, Cal­lig­ra­phy • Blush & Bowties Pho­tog­ra­ph­er • Artiese Stu­dios Venue • Dis­trict 28  Cakes • Aman­da Foong Cakes  Dress • Lover­s­Land  Dress Design­er • Dan Jones Unbri­daled  Flow­ers • Corian­der Girl  Chairs/Linens • Sim­ply Beau­ti­ful Decor  Nap­kins, Run­ners, Rib­bon • Silk and Wil­low  Plates, Cut­lery, Can­dle­sticks, Gob­lets, Trays • Plate Occa­sions  Hair and Make­up • Bespoke Beau­ty

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