Allie + Cody — 10+ years in the making.

As Allie men­tions in this film, in the NHL, the off-season is the only time you can real­ly count on for non-hockey-related endeav­ours. She was refer­ring to the one time of year that Cody could real­is­ti­cal­ly pro­pose, but it’s some­thing we’ve learned from NHL wed­dings: you meet the cou­ple in the off-season and you don’t see them again until the fol­low­ing off-season just a cou­ple of weeks before the wed­ding and amidst the player’s strict train­ing schedule.

Muskoka Wedding Videographer Muskoka Cottage Video Shoot Muskoka Couple Portrait Shoot Muskoka Woods Summer Camp Couple Allie and Cody Goloubef NHL wedding

Allie and Cody first met at their sum­mer camp, Musko­ka Woods, when they were just kids. The camp itself is just a short boat ride away from their cot­tage, so from our first meet­ing, we always talked about revis­it­ing it with them and doing some of their favourite activ­i­ties on the water. As amaz­ing as this all sound­ed, find­ing a time to head up to Musko­ka proved almost impos­si­ble between Cody’s train­ing and the crazy weath­er lead­ing up to each shoot. After a cou­ple of can­cel­la­tions, we nailed a date just a week and a half before the wed­ding day and decid­ed we’d make it work regardless.

Allie and Cody Golobeuf Muskoka Cottage Rain during portrait shoot Allie and Cody Golobeuf's wedding video Muskoka Thunderstorm

And it rained. A lot, but also not too much. It was actu­al­ly per­fect. We found our­selves boat­ing across, through and away from thun­der­storms in the most amaz­ing of lights. When Allie and Cody told us that every impor­tant wed­ding mile­stone, from their engage­ment to pho­to shoots, par­ties and rehearsals had been rained down on, we knew we had the per­fect nar­ra­tive for their sto­ry. And when a rain­bow formed LITERALLY IN FRONT OF ALL OF US on the lake, we knew we had the per­fect con­clu­sion to their film.

Four Seasons Wedding Groom's Prep Four Seasons Groom's Prep Bride's Prep Four Seasons Toronto Wedding Video

The wed­ding day itself was all sorts of beau­ti­ful, styled to per­fec­tion by a team of ven­dors that turned Ever­green Brick­works into an ele­gant enchant­ed for­est. The din­ner con­clud­ed with our same-day edit. As wed­ding video­g­ra­phers, there’s noth­ing more reward­ing than see­ing your work dis­played on a large screen and watch­ing an audi­ence laugh and tear up along to one of your films and this was just the case at Allie and Cody’s. The entire room went qui­et as the cou­ple pulled away from their dock and blew up with laugh­ter when Cody may or may not have choked back some tears dur­ing the proposal.

Brickworks Toronto Ceremony Evergreen Brickworks Elegant Wedding Evergreen Brickworks Toronto NHL Wedding NHL Toronto Wedding Video Brickworks First Dance Evergreen Brickworks Toronto Wedding Videographer Muskoka Couple

Every­thing about this film is so mag­i­cal. Enjoy ✨🌈

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