Jess + Misha — You knocked my socks off hard.

As Jess and Misha’s offi­ciant, Tracey, so elo­quent­ly puts it near the open­ing of this wed­ding film: love can’t be defined by any sin­gle moment. It’s all the lit­tle moments. It’s every moment.

Love can’t be defined by any sin­gle moment. It’s all the lit­tle moments. It’s every moment.

This is a sen­ti­ment that not only rings true for Jess and Misha, but also for their multi-layered nar­ra­tive, which draws from their read­ings, cards and vows to cre­ate a piece that weaves togeth­er each moment from this incred­i­ble day. Whether it’s some­thing as mon­u­men­tal as the couple’s chore­o­graphed hip-hop dance rou­tine or some­thing as spon­ta­neous as Jess peak­ing out her hotel win­dow to catch Misha and the grooms­men walk­ing by, each moment — big or small — is a key com­po­nent of this beau­ti­ful­ly com­plex story.

Pantry Toronto Groomsmen Brunch Pantry Toronto Pantry Toronto in Yorkville Broadview Hotel Toronto Wedding Bride gets ready at Broadview Hotel Toronto Bride Preparations at Broadview Hotel Groom gets ready for toronto wedding Groom Preparations

On a day that had us all over Toronto’s east end — from Pantry, to the Broad­view Hotel, the cou­ples’ home, and their dreamy recep­tion at Ever­green Brick­works — our gear and approach con­stant­ly changed through­out the day. With so many dif­fer­ent and var­ied ele­ments, flex­i­bil­i­ty was key. That meant being able to change from mono­pod, to tri­pod, to a gim­bal, and throw any lens we need­ed on a cam­era at any moment.

Evergreen Brickworks Toronto Wedding Videographer Brickworks Ceremony Toronto Brickworks Ceremony

As always, the Mōvi played an impor­tant role in mak­ing some of the more dynam­ic scenes even more immer­sive, bring­ing the view­er right into their brass band reces­sion­al, the hora, and their dances. But at the end of the day, it’s Jess and Misha, their love for one anoth­er, and the per­son­al­i­ty that they lend this film that keeps you watch­ing from begin­ning to end.

Brickworks Wedding Reception Brickworks Wedding Reception

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