Alexandra + Joshua — Mountains are made molehills.

This film is the rea­son we shoot weddings.

We shoot to cap­ture peo­ple, places, and moments — bring­ing them to life in a way no one could have imag­ined. We tell sto­ries. We cap­ture mem­o­ries. And we com­bine these ele­ments to cre­ate a wed­ding film that allows our cou­ples to relive these mag­i­cal moments. When a stranger is able to watch our films and be com­plete­ly engaged with the sto­ry we’re telling and make a per­son­al con­nec­tion to the cou­ple in the heart of it all, we know we’ve done our job. It’s beau­ti­ful­ly empowering.

Alex & Josh - Wedding Dressalexjosh-5-giftVillage Cigar Co Barber Shop Cigar Co Barbershop

The more we got to know Alex and Josh, the more we real­ized how impor­tant music was to their rela­tion­ship. Josh is the lead singer of Sebas­t­ian Paige & The Vir­ginia Wolves and Alex is his #1 fan, nev­er miss­ing a show. Before doing her week­ly home­work (she’s study­ing to become a graph­ic design­er), Alex makes the band some snacks they can jam to. And when they’re clean­ing around the apart­ment or just hang­ing out, Alex and Josh love noth­ing more than throw­ing some vinyls on the record play­er. As we walked around down­town Burling­ton on a par­tic­u­lar­ly warm Sep­tem­ber night, Alex told us she would be giv­ing Josh a Mini Mar­tin on their wed­ding day. It spoke per­fect­ly to their love of music, and when Josh decid­ed to bring it in the after­noon to play her a beau­ti­ful ren­di­tion of The Beach Boys’ “God Only Knows” which he had taught him­self the night before (he may have had an inkling of the present that was com­ing his way), we knew we had a per­fect moment on our hands.

alexjosh- hamilton weddingMini Martin Alex & Josh Outside In StudioMini Martin God Only Knows

But that only scratch­es the sur­face of this breath­tak­ing day. Rhi­an­non from Hey Gor­geous Events designed the per­fect wed­ding. Fire­works, sparkler send-offs, bub­bles, and so many intri­cate details. It was all so inspiring!

Watch, enjoy, share, re-watch, and let us know what you think!

Wedding Fireworks Hey Gorgeous EventsWedding Fireworks Hey Gorgeous Events

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