The Ultimate Cottage Wedding House Party

Jean­na and Aaron’s wed­ding was a per­fect blend of cottage-core charm and lake­side ele­gance at their pri­vate res­i­dence on Lake of the Woods. The day was inti­mate, effort­less­ly styl­ish, and filled with thought­ful touch­es that reflect­ed their play­ful personalities.

The day itself moved in parts around the prop­er­ty. Their cer­e­mo­ny, locat­ed on their front lawn, felt like a scene out of Bridgeton. The focal piece was a wind­ing aisle made up of an array of tech­ni­colour, kaleidoscope-like flo­rals from White Oak Co. (who srsly knocked it out of the park). As the sun set over the lake, the ambiance felt both exclu­sive and cozy, cre­at­ing the per­fect atmos­phere for the evening ahead.

For din­ner, guests made their way down to the roof of the boathouse for a stun­ning seven-course meal on the water. The space was filled with more bold, colour­ful flo­rals with each set­ting ele­gant­ly per­son­al­ized with sta­tionery from Paper & Poste. Lat­er, the par­ty tran­si­tioned into a pyja­ma par­ty — led by the bride her­self — let­ting every­one get com­fy and keep the cel­e­bra­tion going in their living-room-turned-dance-floor.

Every detail of Jean­na and Aaron’s day reflect­ed who they are: laid-back, thought­ful and deeply appre­cia­tive of the loved ones sur­round­ing them. Being in the mid­dle of prac­ti­cal­ly no-where — where every lit­tle thing had to be shipped from Toron­to and else­where — this was no easy feat and every­one involved brought their absolute best to bring this vision to life. This was one of those wed­dings peo­ple will be talk­ing about for years — a 10/10 cel­e­bra­tion of love, laugh­ter and every­one involved being ful­ly in the moment.

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