A Mid-Century Modern Art Gallery Wedding at Toronto’s AGO

There’s some­thing spe­cial about a win­ter wed­ding set against the stun­ning back­drop the AGO Art Gallery of Ontario. And in Ash­ley and Peter’s case, the archi­tec­ture and art­work lent them­selves to cre­ate a moody yet roman­tic atmos­phere that per­fect­ly com­pli­ment­ed their beau­ti­ful celebration.

With a first look amongst the Group of Seven’s icon­ic art­work, an inti­mate per­son­al vow exchange under the spi­ral stair­case and an intri­cate­ly dec­o­rat­ed candle-lit recep­tion end­ing in a vibrant + wild dance par­ty, this wed­ding film feels as good as it looks.

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