Bindia + Jonathan — You truly saw me.

As you make your way through our body of work, you’ll like­ly pick up on just how impor­tant of a role music plays in each piece we put togeth­er. It’s some­thing we get asked about almost as often as our colour grad­ing or our lens choic­es, and we think that’s because we tend to make bold choic­es across our projects.

We don’t want to make wed­ding films, we sim­ply want to make films.

We’ve said it before: we don’t want to make wed­ding films, we sim­ply want to make films. We don’t want to make a com­mer­cial video recy­cling the lat­est Tik­Tok trend, we want to make impact­ful cam­paigns. That’s a core val­ue that informs every aspect of our work, but when it comes to music selec­tion, it requires us to stay proac­tive in a few ways that make a mean­ing­ful impact on the fin­ished prod­uct. It means scour­ing The Music Bed for the best tracks/hidden gems and cat­a­logu­ing them for future use (always keep­ing an open mind and look­ing for songs that stand out against the rest), cut­ting each shot to the beat when edit­ing, and allow­ing the nar­ra­tive to play off of the ris­es and falls of the song and vice ver­sa. The search for the per­fect track is def­i­nite­ly a lengthy yet reward­ing process which is ulti­mate­ly guid­ed by instinct — when you find it, you know it almost instant­ly and the project is well on its way to com­ing together.

You can imag­ine, then, the pres­sure we felt to find the per­fect song to tell Bindia + Jonathan’s sto­ry. While it was clear on the day that music was an impor­tant part of their rela­tion­ship — and that we vibed on pret­ty much all the same artists and songs as them — hear­ing Jonathan’s speech real­ly brought the theme home. Our task became to not only find a com­bi­na­tion of songs that reflect­ed the mood of the day, but one that also played with­in the frame­work of the music they enjoy togeth­er and the artists that played a key role in their togeth­er­ness. The result is a mix of R&B, down­tem­po Hip Hop and post-dubstep Elec­tron­ic rhythms that per­fect­ly com­pli­ment their nar­ra­tive with­out dis­tract­ing from it.

We can’t think of a bet­ter way to close 2021 than with this film and its front-to-back epic­ness. Enjoy ✌️

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