Sarah + Robert — You’ve ignited my soul.

Sarah and Robert shared an incred­i­ble week­end of wed­ding cel­e­bra­tions at the JW Mar­riott in Musko­ka and, as much as we could talk about the beau­ti­ful land­scapes car­pet­ed with lush forests and rock for­ma­tions, or the glass-like water and how it reflect­ed the sub­dued dusk colours before tran­si­tion­ing into a deep black, or how the cou­ple, along with their friends and fam­i­lies, made each breath­tak­ing scene a lit­tle more vibrant with their glow­ing hap­pi­ness, our words would­n’t even come close to doing this beau­ti­ful film jus­tice. So we’re going to save you from any more ridicu­lous­ly long run-on sen­tences and keep it short.

Our cer­e­mo­ny will be held on an old church that sits on top of a hill over­look­ing Lake Rosseau.”

We instant­ly knew, from our very first meet­ing with Sarah and Robert, that their day would make for a stun­ning film. Their love and excite­ment was so evi­dent, their laugh­ter infec­tious, and their plans so cin­e­mat­ic. Let’s just say that they had us at “our cer­e­mo­ny will be held on an old church that sits on top of a hill over­look­ing Lake Rosseau”, and when they told us a few weeks before the wed­ding that they’d be hop­ping on a boat direct­ly after the cer­e­mo­ny for a scenic ride to their recep­tion, we were com­plete­ly over the moon.

This is a film of beau­ti­ful peo­ple, beau­ti­ful moments and beau­ti­ful land­scapes, each play­ing off each oth­er to ele­vate the whole. And also, slow-mo. 🐢✨

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Betsy + Henry — 长命无绝衰

We always push our­selves to look at things dif­fer­ent­ly, try new tech­niques, and approach every project we take on with a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive. It’s this phi­los­o­phy that allows each wed­ding film we cre­ate to have a dis­tinc­tive look and feel — a vibe and aes­thet­ic reflec­tive of the cou­ple and the voice they lend their film. And while it’s easy for wed­ding video­g­ra­phers to take on a style-over-content approach, we feel that our doc­trine push­es us to think of our sto­ries and char­ac­ters and how our style strength­ens these elements.

Bet­sy and Henry’s film is the cul­mi­na­tion of this ideology.

There were a few aspects of Bet­sy and Henry’s day that were fun­da­men­tal to their sto­ry: their very emo­tion­al vows, the tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese wed­ding rit­u­als, Man­darin cul­ture, the com­ing togeth­er of their fam­i­lies, and Toronto’s Queen St. West, the street where Hen­ry grew up, where the cou­ple now lives, and where their wed­ding took place.
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Rouzhin + Naram — My everything partner.

To say that Rouzhin and Naram’s wed­ding had it all is an under­state­ment. It had more than we could have ever thought “all” to encom­pass. A beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed sofreh cer­e­mo­ny, bal­leri­nas, an a capel­la choir, gela­to trucks and tra­di­tion­al Turk­ish cof­fee sta­tions, a bub­ble send-off, a mul­ti­tude of per­for­mances, a chore­o­graphed first dance, and an extrav­a­gant Marie Antoinette-themed recep­tion spread across Toronto’s Four Sea­sons, St. Paul’s Basil­i­ca, and the AGO.

Every aspect of their day – big or small — had a per­sonal touch and sought to pro­vide their close friends and fam­ily with the most amaz­ing experience

Art Gallery of Ontario Wedding Videographer AGO Sofreh Ceremony Toronto AGO Walker Court Wedding Ceremony Persian Wedding Videographer

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Christina + Thilakshan — You’ve given me the world.

Christi­na & Thi­lak­shan are adven­tur­ers. It’s some­thing we picked up on very quick­ly as they told us of their many and var­ied shared expe­ri­ences — from shark-cage div­ing, to hik­ing through Banff and trav­el­ing across Thai­land. We thought we could relate by let­ting them in on what was then our soon-to-be flight on a tiny plane with Jen­ny and Neal, but then they told us they had also sky-dived togeth­er off of a small and very ques­tion­able plane them­selves. Like we said, Christi­na and TK are adventurers.

Tobermory Wedding Cinematography Tobermory National Park portrait shoot CHristina and TK hiking through cliffs Tobermory Grotto lookout

It was an aspect of their rela­tion­ship that we want­ed to high­light in their film. Through­out our first few talks and into our first face-to-face meet­ing with them (once they found them­selves in Toron­to), we talked about why wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phy was impor­tant to them and what they envi­sioned for their wed­ding video. For one, they want­ed a sto­ry that reflect­ed “them” draw­ing upon their wed­ding day and ele­ments out­side of it to paint a full por­trait of who they real­ly are. Anoth­er impor­tant aspect would be their Sri Lankan Hin­du cer­e­mo­ny, which would have so many intri­cate rit­u­als. Both of these com­po­nents were right up our alley and we wouldn’t dream of mak­ing a film — wed­ding or oth­er­wise — that wouldn’t reflect our sub­ject. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Jenny + Neal — I’d fly with you anywhere.

There is no short­age of places that our por­trait shoots have tak­en us on. We’ve ven­tured into cou­ples’ kitchens and their cot­tages, have ran along lakeshore and hiked through the cliffs of Tober­mory, but we nev­er imag­ined that one would take us up in the air on a plane pilot­ed by a groom.

Neal's Single Engine Plane jenny & neal flying aircraft Bride and Groom flying for wedding video FLying over Toronto in plane

For as long as Jen­ny and Neal have been togeth­er, Neal has owned a sin­gle engine air­plane. It’s been some­thing they’ve enjoyed through­out the years, fly­ing to the U.S., the Caribbean, or even just up to Tim­mins for pou­tine, but we were par­tic­u­lar­ly hooked when we found out Neal pro­posed to Jen­ny on one of their flights. Neal men­tioned he want­ed the wed­ding video to be epic and with a cer­e­mo­ny at St. Paul’s Basil­i­ca, a recep­tion at the Arca­di­an Court and Loft, and the fact that they were char­ter­ing a fleet of street­cars to trans­port their wed­ding par­ty and guests to all these loca­tions, we knew it’d be just that — but we also knew that there’d be noth­ing more epic than to go fly­ing with them and work that ele­ment of their sto­ry into their film.

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Noreen + AJ — You complete my world. You make it bright.

Noreen (Nunu) and AJ share one of the truest loves that we’ve ever had the plea­sure of being privy to. Even as this film came togeth­er, we found our­selves smil­ing and aww-ing at the small moments and ges­tures that make this love so great. It’s sim­ple: to be in Nunu and AJ’s pres­ence is to be in the pres­ence of com­plete com­fort and happiness.

bride and groom gift exchange bride and groom gift exchange bride and groom gift exchange

That sim­plic­i­ty trans­lat­ed per­fect­ly to their wed­ding day. It wasn’t a show or big pro­duc­tion. There was no big reveal. In fact, the first thing we did was meet the cou­ple ear­ly in the morn­ing for their gift exchange. After that, they left to have a pri­vate break­fast at the Four Sea­sons before chang­ing and head­ing to the cer­e­mo­ny togeth­er. It was the first time we had seen any­thing like it, and it took a lit­tle get­ting used to see­ing the bride and groom in the same place so ear­ly in the day, but it was com­plete­ly nor­mal to Nunu and AJ. For them, it was less about the cus­toms, and more about cel­e­brat­ing their love through togeth­er­ness: theirs and with their fam­i­ly. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Into the Wild — The making of a WedLuxe editorial.

It was at the busiest point of our 2015 sea­son that we took a 7‑hour road trip up to Tim­mins, Ontario to be a part of an edi­to­r­i­al shoot for Wed­Luxe Mag­a­zine. Lau­ra from Lau­ra & Co. had reached out to us and filled us in on the project — there was talk of fox­es, fal­cons, and the great north­ern wilderness.

We were con­vinced before we had even fin­ished read­ing the e‑mail and were ready to move heav­en and earth to be a part of this project.

So hav­ing just shot Andrea and Jef­f’s wed­ding on the Sat­ur­day, we charged our bat­ter­ies, backed up our cards, and packed to dri­ve up on Mon­day, shoot for the next two days, and come back for Thurs­day to get every­thing ready for Crys­tal and Jer’s on Friday.

We left around noon on Mon­day, tak­ing a small detour to Neo Cof­fee Bar for some good cof­fee and snacks. We had heard a lot about this place but hon­est­ly, it was love at first sip and is now one of our favourite cof­fee spots in Toronto.

Neo Coffee Bar Toronto Neo Coffee Bar Toronto

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Crystal + Jerry — We never skipped a beat after that day.

We’re not hap­py to say that we were part of a slight­ly evil prank lead­ing up to this wed­ding. Here’s the back­sto­ry: Crys­tal con­tact­ed us last win­ter to have us cre­ate a film for her and Jer­ry. This led to a casu­al chain of e‑mails dis­cussing her wed­ding plans and what she envi­sioned for her film. She told us she would just need to con­sult Jer and get back to us. Then he called us.

Crystal Card Graydon Hall  Manor

Jer­ry had us tell Crys­tal that we booked her date right after we spoke to her. No check­ing in with her at all — just booked it and were no longer avail­able. The inten­tion was noble. He want­ed to gift “us” to her for Christ­mas (weeks lat­er, mind you) and thought it’d be a bet­ter sur­prise if she thought we were com­plete­ly off the table. Our hearts broke a lit­tle bit as we wrote that e‑mail to her, and once again when she wrote back express­ing her sad­ness. But we knew it was all part of an elab­o­rate sur­prise that would undoubt­ed­ly yield a lot of hap­pi­ness. It did. She was ecsta­t­ic, we were relieved, and we could con­tin­ue on to the reg­u­lar aspects of putting togeth­er one of our stories.

Basketball Weston Inn Basketball Weston Inn Basketball Weston Inn Basketball Weston Inn

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