Emily + Myles — I vow to be everything you need.

Locat­ed on the qui­et shores of Lake Joseph — affec­tion­ate­ly referred to as Lake Joe by locals — Emi­ly and Myles gath­ered all their friends and fam­i­ly to the Sher­wood Inn to cel­e­brate their wed­ding weekend.

The ener­gy sur­round­ing this day was pal­pa­ble to every­one who was a part of it. Nev­er have we seen guests so present, focused and deter­mined on show­er­ing a cou­ple with love. The sto­ry we set out to tell would be one that bal­ances this ener­gy with the serene Musko­ka set­ting, much like the rela­tion­ship at the heart of it.

This one is dear to us. Watch for the beau­ti­ful set­tings, tear-jerking vows, epic boat rides, a roman­tic + moody sun­set ses­sion, and a chore­o­graphed first dance with spins and dips galore 💫

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