Emma + Mark — You’re the line to my kite.

There are some wed­ding films that are almost impos­si­ble to describe because the video itself so per­fect­ly encap­su­lates a cou­ple and their cel­e­bra­tion. This is the case for Emma and Mark.

I mean, how do you put into words Emma’s infec­tious laugh­ter, Mark’s calm­ing pres­ence, how pal­pa­ble their love is when they are with each oth­er, or how their wed­ding com­plete­ly trans­formed Ever­green Brick­works with one of the most elab­o­rate cock­tail and recep­tion lay­outs we’ve ever seen.

Words wouldn’t do this incred­i­ble day justice.

From Emma’s prep in her beau­ti­ful fam­i­ly home, to their ele­gant, vibrant and intri­cate dec­o­ra­tions; the inti­mate sun­set ses­sion with the Toron­to sky­line in the back­ground; and their fam­i­ly and friends mak­ing their way through and tak­ing in the details of each space — there’s not a sin­gle frame we’re not com­plete­ly obsessed with in this video.

Hit play and swoon with us 🌇

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