Jackie + Ken — I could do this forever.

We think it’s fair to say that get­ting mar­ried in the time of COVID-19 altered many of our cou­ples’ and our own expec­ta­tions of what a wed­ding should be. Scratch the larg­er ball­rooms, four-tiered wed­ding cakes, and ten-piece band-led dance floors and enter the inti­mate wed­ding. Because big­ger doesn’t always mean bet­ter and a pan­dem­ic cel­e­bra­tion doesn’t mean you have to mud­dle through less than ide­al plans. In many cas­es our cou­ples have more than “made do” and their big days have been even more mean­ing­ful than any­one could have anticipated.

Jack­ie + Ken are one such cou­ple who weath­ered the storm and adapt­ed their orig­i­nal big wed­ding plans to some­thing a lit­tle more close to home (lit­er­al­ly). Stand­ing atop a see-through cov­er over a pool teem­ing with flo­rals by @joeybutta, the cou­ple exchanged the sweet­est vows that not only shared their promis­es and com­mit­ments to each oth­er but pro­vid­ed the small-but-select group with a lit­tle back­ground into their story. 

Their recep­tion was held at the David Dun­can House just 10 min­utes from their home — a place that had become a go-to spot to cel­e­brate the big and lit­tle moments through­out their rela­tion­ship. The tables may have been few­er but no detail was spared. Speech­es could run a lit­tle longer, cours­es could be paced slow­er, and when it start­ed to driz­zle dur­ing the couple’s clos­ing dance, no one seemed to care. Peo­ple were sim­ply hap­py to be there togeth­er. Any­thing that was missed or sac­ri­ficed sure­ly wasn’t felt. 

For us, it was all the things a wed­ding should be.

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