Jessica + Matthew — There was something different about you.

We met with Jess + Matt over a year and a half ago, just before they jet-setted to the UK to start a new chap­ter of their lives togeth­er. We didn’t know it at the time, but this was char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly “them” — for­ev­er trav­el­ling, for­ev­er mov­ing, always adventuring.

Their nar­ra­tive is one built upon a sim­ple theme — love and the dif­fer­ent mean­ings and shapes it has tak­en on through­out their rela­tion­ship. From the ini­tial inklings of love that drew Jess to Matt, to their offi­ciant Jere­my affirm­ing that mar­riage is love, to Matt’s promise to love Jess until they’re  old and grey, it’s an idea that brings the sto­ry full cir­cle, inter­weav­ing all the dif­fer­ent parts of their day seamlessly.

The wed­ding day itself was set against the beau­ti­ful indus­tri­al back­drops of The Symes and planned to per­fec­tion by our dear friends at Blush & Bowties.


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