Jordan + Andrew — You are my synchronicity.

There were quite a few things we were excit­ed about going into Jor­dan and Andrew’s wed­ding day. For one, it would be tak­ing place at Kurtz Orchards in Nia­gara on the Lake, one of our favourite vine­yards in Ontario. They would also be shar­ing a sparkler-lit first dance in front of a coach house dur­ing gold­en hour. On top of that, they would also be hav­ing a horse join them at sun­set for a stroll through the vines.

All of these ele­ments lent them­selves to a fairy­tale, sto­ry­book theme that allow Jor­dan and Andrew’s dreamy dec­o­ra­tions, pic­turesque back­drops, and emo­tion­al nar­ra­tive to shine through.

We knew from talk­ing to J+A before the wed­ding day that we’d have plen­ty of time for our cre­ative ses­sion dur­ing gold­en hour and, know­ing from expe­ri­ence just how beau­ti­ful sun­sets at Kurtz tend to be, we decid­ed to make it that much more mag­i­cal by shoot­ing their walk amongst the vines (along with their chore­o­graphed first dance) in RAW on the Canon C200. The extra detail, vivid colours and increased dynam­ic range real­ly brought the footage to life. So much so, that it’s been our go-to for­mat for spe­cif­ic por­tions of our cou­ples’ wed­dings this past season.

This one’s a stun­ner and any­thing we say on here couldn’t pos­si­bly do the nar­ra­tive and visu­als any jus­tice so hit that play but­ton and enjoy!

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