Katie + Taylor — You and me forever.

As you’ll hear quite a few times in their wed­ding film, Katie + Tay­lor have been togeth­er for 15 years — an impres­sive feat made even more incred­i­ble by the fact that these two met and fell in love in grade 9 🥹

Sur­round­ed by the very friends who wit­nessed them come togeth­er at a high school par­ty many years ago, these two cel­e­brat­ed their union at the always-stunning Hard­ing Estate. The cel­e­bra­tion spread across the lush grounds; start­ing with a cer­e­mo­ny on the back lawn, to cock­tails in front of the manor, and end­ing in a tent­ed din­ner after which every­one danced the night away.

Shot on the Canon C300 Mark III (Cam­era A) and Canon C70s (Cam­era B & C). We used the DJI RS2 as our main gim­bal and the Mav­ic Air 2S for aer­i­al pho­tog­ra­phy. Check out our full wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phy kit here.

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