Kristyn + Domenic — Happy home. Happy life.

It would be an under­state­ment to say we were so excit­ed when Kristyn + Dom told us their wed­ding would be tak­ing place entire­ly at the Four Sea­sons Hotel in Yorkville. With its clean, mod­ern spaces, mag­nif­i­cent archi­tec­ture, and mut­ed colour scheme, it’s by far one of our favourite venues and getting-ready loca­tions in the city.

But set­ting is noth­ing with­out beau­ti­ful peo­ple to bring these spaces to life, and that’s where K+D come in. They were so gen­uine­ly excit­ed for their film and open to cre­at­ing with us — even if it meant run­ning out for a quick jaunt through Yorkville at night. With the over­whelm­ing love of their friends and fam­i­ly behind them, a per­fect­ly over­cast day with an equal­ly per­fect gold­en hour at Brick­works, this one is an absolute stunner.

Enjoy 🌃🚦🚗👫🚙🚥🌌

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