Lindsay + Matt — Someone to build a life with.

Lind­say and Matt met 10 years ago at West­ern — that is if you don’t count the time Lind­say spot­ted him walk­ing into her 2nd year mar­ket­ing class look­ing like a snow­board­er dude. It’s a memory-filled loca­tion that’s dear to their hearts and one they sug­gest­ed we revis­it for their por­trait shoot a few weeks before their wedding.

And so we walked around cam­pus in the mid-frosh week mad­ness, even­tu­al­ly find­ing an inti­mate qui­et nook for them to share with us how they first met in uni­ver­si­ty and how Matt pulled off the sur­prise NYC pro­pos­al. These sto­ries went on to lay out the per­fect nar­ra­tive for their wed­ding video, link­ing all the dif­fer­ent pieces of their film togeth­er in an intri­cate web of tran­si­tions and ref­er­ences. Lind­say recalls want­i­ng to go to a Bon Iver con­cert in Nashville instead of New York and Matt’s insis­tence to vis­it the lat­ter was her first and only hint of their soon-to-be engage­ment, and so the first song in their film feels like a nod if not an homage to 22, A Mil­lion; Matt tells Lind­say to take a deep breath just before he asks for her hand in mar­riage and we, in turn, see him ner­vous­ly tak­ing a deep breath before their first look; not to men­tion the entire pro­pos­al sto­ry begins on a shot of the very rings that have come to char­ac­ter­ize their engage­ment, and now mar­riage. These nar­ra­tive and visu­al cues work togeth­er to cre­ate a detailed piece that not only com­mu­ni­cates Lind­say and Matt’s sto­ry, but who they are and why they are so per­fect together.

With their morn­ings tak­ing place at the Four Sea­sons Toron­to and their recep­tion at The Symes (planned to per­fec­tion by Lex­ing­ton & Co), Lind­say and Matt’s cel­e­bra­tion is com­plete­ly beau­ti­ful from begin­ning to end — the stun­ning visu­als matched only by the over­whelm­ing love they share with each oth­er. Just wit­ness their first look and you’ll know exact­ly what we mean.

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