Madi + Alan — You have made me so fundamentally happy.

Set on their family’s pri­vate island in Musko­ka, Madi and Alan’s cel­e­bra­tion is one we’ve been look­ing for­ward to from the moment we met with them almost a year ago.

The two would be boat­ing over their entire guest list for a par­ty span­ning the whole island — from Alan’s prep in the bunkhouse, to Madi’s in the main cot­tage, their cer­e­mo­ny on the dock and a tent­ed recep­tion on the ten­nis courts. There was plen­ty of dis­tance for their loved ones to tra­verse, but there were beau­ti­ful dec­o­ra­tions and details to be admired (as well as plen­ty of drinks to be had) along the way.

The island itself has become a spe­cial place for Madi + Alan, not only serv­ing as a back­drop for dif­fer­ent mile­stones in their rela­tion­ship but also a sym­bol for their growth as a unit. And while the island def­i­nite­ly acts as a piv­otal char­ac­ter in their sto­ry, the nar­ra­tive remains sole­ly focused on Madi, Alan, and the incred­i­ble rela­tion­ship they’ve built over the past three years. Told through their incred­i­ble vows and cards.

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