Morgan + Adam — There will never be another you.

As Mor­gan and Adam recount in their speech­es, they were all-in from the moment they met. It was a seam­less tran­si­tion from that con­ver­sa­tion at a bar near Uti­ca Col­lege to the life they built togeth­er across New York and Cana­da. This effort­less love is imme­di­ate­ly felt when in their pres­ence and made their wed­ding day an absolute joy to be a part of.

Set in the pic­turesque grounds of the Magna Golf Club in Auro­ra, ele­vat­ed by beau­ti­ful flo­rals in sub­dued roman­tic hues (craft­ed by the tal­ent­ed Rachel Clin­gen) and planned to per­fec­tion by the Shealyn Angus team, the wed­ding itself was an exten­sion of this effortlessness.

Come for the incred­i­ble cer­e­mo­ny arbour, stay for their hilar­i­ous incep­tion story ✨

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