The SMOOTHEST Gimbal! The MōVI PRO Feature.

Last Novem­ber, we got a crazy idea: let’s get a MōVI PRO. It was a thought that came from what was a bit of a frus­trat­ing year with the MōVI M5. Our rig was grow­ing and the more cables and acces­sories we added, the more we pushed the weight lim­its of the M5, and the more it fought us when try­ing to exe­cute com­plex movements.

In this video, we talk about our expe­ri­ence with the MōVI PRO so far — what we like, what we don’t and how it fares against it’s lit­tle, old­er broth­er from the same mother.

MōVI Pro
C100 Mark II
C100 Mark I
The Best Lens
Sec­ond Best Lens
Small­er Gimbal
Video Mono­pod
Best Mon­i­tor
The Drone

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