Nicole + JF — You were worth the wait.

It’s hard to not get absolute­ly all the feels when watch­ing this film . Hon­est­ly, 😆😍🥺😵🤯😭😮🤩☺️. And while we wish we could take all the cred­it for just how pow­er­ful this film is, we’d be remiss if we didn’t men­tion Nicole + JF and their abil­i­ty to lose them­selves in each oth­er and every sin­gle moment of their day. And, fire­works. Lots and lots of fireworks.

Set in the always-beautiful Gray­don Hall, their cel­e­bra­tion spanned the grounds with stun­ning dec­o­ra­tions and flo­rals at every turn. It takes a vil­lage to make mag­ic hap­pen and we were part of an incred­i­ble team, includ­ing Muse Events, Rachel Clin­gen, and 515 to name a few.

These are the types of cou­ples and cel­e­bra­tions that make us love being wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phers. Not only is every sin­gle piece visu­al­ly stun­ning, but it also car­ries and ele­vates the sto­ry. Just… no words. As always, hit play and enjoy.

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