The SMOOTHEST Gimbal! The MōVI PRO Feature.

Last Novem­ber, we got a crazy idea: let’s get a MōVI PRO. It was a thought that came from what was a bit of a frus­trat­ing year with the MōVI M5. Our rig was grow­ing and the more cables and acces­sories we added, the more we pushed the weight lim­its of the M5, and the more it fought us when try­ing to exe­cute com­plex movements.

In this video, we talk about our expe­ri­ence with the MōVI PRO so far — what we like, what we don’t and how it fares against it’s lit­tle, old­er broth­er from the same moth­er. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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What’s In Our Gear Bag?

Today on the Youtube edu­ca­tion chan­nel, we tack­le a ques­tion we get asked all the time: what’s in our gear bag? The sim­ple answer is: a lot. We bring a huge arse­nal of equip­ment to every project we work on, not just because we find it eas­i­er to have every pos­si­ble tool avail­able to us but because redun­dan­cy is cru­cial and hav­ing back­up cam­eras, lens­es, recorders, etc, can save you when you’re out in the field. As wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phers, find­ing a case that could accom­mo­date all these cam­eras, lens­es and acces­sories was a key part of devel­op­ing a faster shoot­ing work­flow while stay­ing orga­nized dur­ing hec­tic shoot days. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Jess + Misha — You knocked my socks off hard.

As Jess and Misha’s offi­ciant, Tracey, so elo­quent­ly puts it near the open­ing of this wed­ding film: love can’t be defined by any sin­gle moment. It’s all the lit­tle moments. It’s every moment.

Love can’t be defined by any sin­gle moment. It’s all the lit­tle moments. It’s every moment.

This is a sen­ti­ment that not only rings true for Jess and Misha, but also for their multi-layered nar­ra­tive, which draws from their read­ings, cards and vows to cre­ate a piece that weaves togeth­er each moment from this incred­i­ble day. Whether it’s some­thing as mon­u­men­tal as the couple’s chore­o­graphed hip-hop dance rou­tine or some­thing as spon­ta­neous as Jess peak­ing out her hotel win­dow to catch Misha and the grooms­men walk­ing by, each moment — big or small — is a key com­po­nent of this beau­ti­ful­ly com­plex sto­ry. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Leah + Marco — Lee found her Fini.

There was an over­whelm­ing sense of excite­ment sur­round­ing Leah and Marco’s wed­ding day, not just to cel­e­brate a mar­riage 10 years in the mak­ing but, to every­one in the know, it was the last evo­lu­tion of a wed­ding that had changed, shift­ed, and trans­formed many times in the months lead­ing up to it. What was in its ear­ly stages a Cal­i­for­nia vine­yard wed­ding became an ele­gant and ethe­re­al affair at the King Edward Hotel’s recent­ly reopened Crys­tal Ball­room, brought to life by Blush and Bowties and White Oak, whose pop­py arrange­ments had us like whoa.

What was in its ear­ly stages a Cal­i­for­nia vine­yard wed­ding became an ele­gant and ethe­re­al affair at the King Edward Hotel’s recent­ly reopened Crys­tal Ballroom.

Leah and Mar­co first reached out to us when they stum­bled upon our work last Sep­tem­ber. They loved our cin­e­matog­ra­phy, our sto­ry­telling, and the way our wed­ding films framed a cou­ple and the emo­tion and inti­ma­cy of their rela­tion­ship and their day. They want­ed just that, but one thing that was clear from the begin­ning, is that they want­ed their film to explode with excite­ment. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Brittany + Mitch — You are the protein to my salad.

As lay­ered and intri­cate as this sto­ry is, Brit­tany and Mitch’s love lies at the heart of it, pro­vid­ing a con­stant to the nar­ra­tive that makes each ele­ment of their day flow organ­i­cal­ly into the next. Whether it’s the couple’s own per­son­al vows, a rabbi’s address, or a loved one’s speech, they all lend to the sto­ry of Brit­tany and Mitch and the love they share, which is infec­tious by the way it emi­nates from every sin­gle frame of their wed­ding film.

They all lend to the sto­ry of Brit­tany and Mitch and the love they share, which is infec­tious by the way it emi­nates from every sin­gle frame of their wed­ding film.

With tru­ly per­son­al vows exchanged moments before the cer­e­mo­ny under the pine trees that line Cam­bi­um Farms’ back field, a mag­i­cal Jewish/Macedonian cer­e­mo­ny accent­ed by the per­fect­ly dif­fused sun­light that made its way through the holes and gaps in between the wood­en pan­els of the barn, tra­di­tion­al dances, an inti­mate first look, and all the moment in between each of these mile­stones, Brit­tany and Mitch’s wed­ding film tugs at our heart strings and gives us all the feels.

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Katrina + Brett — With you is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

From very ear­ly on, Kat­ri­na and Brett told us that wed­ding videog­ra­phy was one of the most impor­tant ele­ments of their day and the keep­sake they were look­ing for­ward to the most. That didn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly change our approach, but it did spark much excite­ment going into their cel­e­bra­tion at the scenic Kurtz Orchards in Nia­gara on the Lake. They were excit­ed for us to lend our style and approach to their wed­ding day and we were excit­ed to tell their sto­ry and wan­der through the vine­yards at sun­set with them.

They were excit­ed for us to lend our style and approach to their wed­ding day and we were excit­ed to tell their sto­ry and wan­der through the vine­yards at sun­set with them.

Kurtz Orchard Niagara on the Lake Wedding Videographer

As is the case with all our NHL cou­ples, the hard­est part was get­ting to a meet­ing where we can hash out all our ideas. Because Kat­ri­na and Brett live in Wash­ing­ton dur­ing the hock­ey sea­son, we weren’t able to sit down with them until a cou­ple of weeks before the wed­ding day, but once we did, we were com­plete­ly cap­ti­vat­ed by the warm and inti­mate cel­e­bra­tion they were plan­ning. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Angela + Barry — You are my home.

You won’t find big­ger fans of the odd weath­er we’ve been giv­en in Toron­to this sum­mer than us. Yes, the con­stant threat of thun­der­storms is unwel­come, but the cli­mate on either side of these storms yields the most per­fect of shoot­ing con­di­tions — over­cast skies, vibrant colours, beau­ti­ful clouds, and moody scenes (you may remem­ber us say­ing just this just a few weeks ago). It’s not the typ­i­cal fore­cast a wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er usu­al­ly hopes for, but despite calls for rain on almost every sin­gle wed­ding we’ve had this past sea­son, we’ve been con­sis­tent­ly on the per­fect end of each storm. That’s where Angela and Bar­ry come in. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Melanie + Carey — We make such great memories.

With a beautifully-crafted cel­e­bra­tion tai­lored to their clos­est friends and fam­i­ly and spread across a cou­ple of days amongst the sun-kissed vine­yards of Nia­gara on the Lake, Melanie and Carey’s wed­ding is one of the most epic films we have ever put togeth­er. Start­ing with the exquisitely-told sto­ry of how they met at a par­ty in Toron­to, the nar­ra­tive goes on to take a life of its own using their speech­es and vows to tell the sto­ry of their day, their rela­tion­ship thus far, and what it has and will become. It’s a com­plex and inter­wo­ven nar­ra­tive that frames all the dif­fer­ent ele­ments that make this film so spe­cial: the bohemi­an, picnic-style rehearsal din­ner at the Wood­burn Inn, their per­fect­ly infor­mal speech­es, the inti­mate cer­e­mo­ny tucked away on the edge of the Ridge­point Win­ery vine­yards, and the rus­tic open-air din­ner that followed.

It’s a com­plex and inter­wo­ven nar­ra­tive that frames all the dif­fer­ent ele­ments that make this film so special.

Woodburn Inn Wedding Videographer Woodburn Inn Bohemian Wedding Lawn Games Lawn Games Wedding Toasts Wedding Toasts

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