Leah + Marco — Lee found her Fini.

There was an over­whelm­ing sense of excite­ment sur­round­ing Leah and Marco’s wed­ding day, not just to cel­e­brate a mar­riage 10 years in the mak­ing but, to every­one in the know, it was the last evo­lu­tion of a wed­ding that had changed, shift­ed, and trans­formed many times in the months lead­ing up to it. What was in its ear­ly stages a Cal­i­for­nia vine­yard wed­ding became an ele­gant and ethe­re­al affair at the King Edward Hotel’s recent­ly reopened Crys­tal Ball­room, brought to life by Blush and Bowties and White Oak, whose pop­py arrange­ments had us like whoa.

What was in its ear­ly stages a Cal­i­for­nia vine­yard wed­ding became an ele­gant and ethe­re­al affair at the King Edward Hotel’s recent­ly reopened Crys­tal Ballroom.

Leah and Mar­co first reached out to us when they stum­bled upon our work last Sep­tem­ber. They loved our cin­e­matog­ra­phy, our sto­ry­telling, and the way our wed­ding films framed a cou­ple and the emo­tion and inti­ma­cy of their rela­tion­ship and their day. They want­ed just that, but one thing that was clear from the begin­ning, is that they want­ed their film to explode with excite­ment. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Brittany + Mitch — You are the protein to my salad.

As lay­ered and intri­cate as this sto­ry is, Brit­tany and Mitch’s love lies at the heart of it, pro­vid­ing a con­stant to the nar­ra­tive that makes each ele­ment of their day flow organ­i­cal­ly into the next. Whether it’s the couple’s own per­son­al vows, a rabbi’s address, or a loved one’s speech, they all lend to the sto­ry of Brit­tany and Mitch and the love they share, which is infec­tious by the way it emi­nates from every sin­gle frame of their wed­ding film.

They all lend to the sto­ry of Brit­tany and Mitch and the love they share, which is infec­tious by the way it emi­nates from every sin­gle frame of their wed­ding film.

With tru­ly per­son­al vows exchanged moments before the cer­e­mo­ny under the pine trees that line Cam­bi­um Farms’ back field, a mag­i­cal Jewish/Macedonian cer­e­mo­ny accent­ed by the per­fect­ly dif­fused sun­light that made its way through the holes and gaps in between the wood­en pan­els of the barn, tra­di­tion­al dances, an inti­mate first look, and all the moment in between each of these mile­stones, Brit­tany and Mitch’s wed­ding film tugs at our heart strings and gives us all the feels.

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Katrina + Brett — With you is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

From very ear­ly on, Kat­ri­na and Brett told us that wed­ding videog­ra­phy was one of the most impor­tant ele­ments of their day and the keep­sake they were look­ing for­ward to the most. That didn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly change our approach, but it did spark much excite­ment going into their cel­e­bra­tion at the scenic Kurtz Orchards in Nia­gara on the Lake. They were excit­ed for us to lend our style and approach to their wed­ding day and we were excit­ed to tell their sto­ry and wan­der through the vine­yards at sun­set with them.

They were excit­ed for us to lend our style and approach to their wed­ding day and we were excit­ed to tell their sto­ry and wan­der through the vine­yards at sun­set with them.

Kurtz Orchard Niagara on the Lake Wedding Videographer

As is the case with all our NHL cou­ples, the hard­est part was get­ting to a meet­ing where we can hash out all our ideas. Because Kat­ri­na and Brett live in Wash­ing­ton dur­ing the hock­ey sea­son, we weren’t able to sit down with them until a cou­ple of weeks before the wed­ding day, but once we did, we were com­plete­ly cap­ti­vat­ed by the warm and inti­mate cel­e­bra­tion they were plan­ning. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Angela + Barry — You are my home.

You won’t find big­ger fans of the odd weath­er we’ve been giv­en in Toron­to this sum­mer than us. Yes, the con­stant threat of thun­der­storms is unwel­come, but the cli­mate on either side of these storms yields the most per­fect of shoot­ing con­di­tions — over­cast skies, vibrant colours, beau­ti­ful clouds, and moody scenes (you may remem­ber us say­ing just this just a few weeks ago). It’s not the typ­i­cal fore­cast a wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er usu­al­ly hopes for, but despite calls for rain on almost every sin­gle wed­ding we’ve had this past sea­son, we’ve been con­sis­tent­ly on the per­fect end of each storm. That’s where Angela and Bar­ry come in. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Melanie + Carey — We make such great memories.

With a beautifully-crafted cel­e­bra­tion tai­lored to their clos­est friends and fam­i­ly and spread across a cou­ple of days amongst the sun-kissed vine­yards of Nia­gara on the Lake, Melanie and Carey’s wed­ding is one of the most epic films we have ever put togeth­er. Start­ing with the exquisitely-told sto­ry of how they met at a par­ty in Toron­to, the nar­ra­tive goes on to take a life of its own using their speech­es and vows to tell the sto­ry of their day, their rela­tion­ship thus far, and what it has and will become. It’s a com­plex and inter­wo­ven nar­ra­tive that frames all the dif­fer­ent ele­ments that make this film so spe­cial: the bohemi­an, picnic-style rehearsal din­ner at the Wood­burn Inn, their per­fect­ly infor­mal speech­es, the inti­mate cer­e­mo­ny tucked away on the edge of the Ridge­point Win­ery vine­yards, and the rus­tic open-air din­ner that followed.

It’s a com­plex and inter­wo­ven nar­ra­tive that frames all the dif­fer­ent ele­ments that make this film so special.

Woodburn Inn Wedding Videographer Woodburn Inn Bohemian Wedding Lawn Games Lawn Games Wedding Toasts Wedding Toasts

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Allie + Cody — 10+ years in the making.

As Allie men­tions in this film, in the NHL, the off-season is the only time you can real­ly count on for non-hockey-related endeav­ours. She was refer­ring to the one time of year that Cody could real­is­ti­cal­ly pro­pose, but it’s some­thing we’ve learned from NHL wed­dings: you meet the cou­ple in the off-season and you don’t see them again until the fol­low­ing off-season just a cou­ple of weeks before the wed­ding and amidst the player’s strict train­ing schedule.

Muskoka Wedding Videographer Muskoka Cottage Video Shoot Muskoka Couple Portrait Shoot Muskoka Woods Summer Camp Couple Allie and Cody Goloubef NHL wedding

Allie and Cody first met at their sum­mer camp, Musko­ka Woods, when they were just kids. The camp itself is just a short boat ride away from their cot­tage, so from our first meet­ing, we always talked about revis­it­ing it with them and doing some of their favourite activ­i­ties on the water. As amaz­ing as this all sound­ed, find­ing a time to head up to Musko­ka proved almost impos­si­ble between Cody’s train­ing and the crazy weath­er lead­ing up to each shoot. After a cou­ple of can­cel­la­tions, we nailed a date just a week and a half before the wed­ding day and decid­ed we’d make it work regard­less. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Our Favourite Lenses for Wedding Filmmaking

Today on the Youtube edu­ca­tion chan­nel, we talk about our favourite lens­es and how we use them. Lens­es are prob­a­bly the best and most impor­tant invest­ment any cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er can make. While its sim­plest role is to focus the light from a scene onto the cam­era sen­sor, a good lens will sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce flare and inter­nal reflec­tions, min­i­mize dis­tor­tion and chro­mat­ic aber­ra­tion, all while boost­ing colour and con­trast. Best of all? While your cam­era body may only last 2–3 years, good glass bare­ly depre­ci­ates and, if cared for prop­er­ly, there’s no rea­son why a lens shouldn’t last for 20 years or more. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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The Best Filmmaking Tool for Wedding Cinematographers

In our lat­est video on our Youtube edu­ca­tion chan­nel, we take a look at the Man­frot­to MVMXPRO500US Video Mono­pod — the Swiss Army knife of wed­ding videog­ra­phy. As doc­u­men­tary cin­e­matog­ra­phers, we shoot in dras­ti­cal­ly chang­ing envi­ron­ments and con­stant­ly need to change our angles and shoot­ing height. The Man­frot­to PRO500 lets us do just that, quick­ly and eas­i­ly — giv­ing us a tool capa­ble of achiev­ing beau­ti­ful move­ment and a small footprint.
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