Staci + Mitch — What draws us to the fire.

To say that The Four Sea­sons Hotel in Toron­to is a wed­ding videographer’s dream is an under­state­ment. It’s mod­ern aes­thet­ic relies on a care­ful bal­ance between min­i­mal­ist and bold design, accent­ed by strik­ing lines and mir­rored sur­faces to cre­ate its dis­tinc­tive look. It’s a place that’s dear to our hearts. So, you can imag­ine our excite­ment when Staci + Mitch told us their entire wed­ding day — morn­ing to evening — would be tak­ing place at the Four Seasons.

The set­ting lend­ed itself per­fect­ly to Staci + Mitch’s ele­gant cel­e­bra­tion — sub­tly in the back­ground yet ever so present in shots where we use the archi­tec­ture to com­pose the cou­ple or their guests as they made their way through each room, bal­cony or hall of the hotel. Weav­ing every­thing togeth­er is a high­ly emo­tion­al nar­ra­tive from Staci and Mitch’s per­son­al vows to each oth­er and a hilar­i­ous sto­ry Mitch’s moth­er told about the first time she met Staci.

This film is absolute fire 🔥 Watch through and you’ll under­stand why.

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