Sydney + Ryan — We have made every place feel like home.

Although Syd­ney and Ryan had already reserved us as their wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phers by the time Aryne and John cel­e­brat­ed their own wed­ding last year, we hadn’t yet had a chance to meet in per­son. We didn’t know what they looked like or that they’d even be there, but we were imme­di­ate­ly drawn to them and they end­ed up mak­ing quite of num­ber of appear­ances in that film (you can’t miss Ryan on the dance floor with his sun­glass­es on upside down, mak­ing faces at the cam­era, drink in hand). They just had that per­fect “some­thing” that we always look for when cap­tur­ing guests enjoy­ing a wed­ding day — they had fun, were nat­ur­al, easy-going, and lost them­selves in each moment, for­get­ting we were even there. 

By the time we even­tu­al­ly met them in per­son, we real­ized this is exact­ly who they are. There was an ease that came with shoot­ing them as they strolled through their neigh­bour­hood park with their dog, Miller, or build­ing a fire in their back­yard. They were so nat­ur­al and com­fort­able on and off cam­era. This is who they are with strangers, with friends, fam­i­ly and each other.

Need­less to say, we were so excit­ed for their wed­ding day at Ever­green Brick­works — one of our favourite spots in the city. Beau­ti­ful­ly planned and designed by Ash­ley Pig­ott and pho­tographed by our dear friend Tara McMullen, we had a killer team on hand to cap­ture all the jaw-dropping gor­geous­ness that Rachel Clin­gen, Nadia & Co. and Paper & Poste put together.

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