The Wedding of Christian Del Grosso + Kristen McGowan

Get ready for some seri­ous­ly good feels. We give you the wed­ding of @christian and @kristenmcgowan. Your new favourite love story.

It’s a sto­ry of true soul mates; they met in high school, con­quered long dis­tance and, with each other’s unwa­ver­ing sup­port, went on to cre­ate two extreme­ly suc­cess­ful social media plat­forms. It’s the stuff of a mod­ern day fairy­tale (no joke, a fam­i­ly of deer casu­al­ly hang­out in their backyard).

When we asked Kris and Chris what they envi­sioned for their wed­ding film, the feel + vibe of the piece was the most impor­tant ele­ment. They want­ed their film to feel can­did and “in the moment”. The wed­ding was designed in five parts and they want­ed to high­light the dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ences through­out; a chic wel­come cruise that toured the Toron­to Islands, the inti­mate cer­e­mo­ny on the lawn, the live­ly cock­tail hour around the foun­tain, the ele­gant can­dlelit din­ner on the ter­race and the super-fun-dance-party-late-night-vibes inside.

In the end, these two and their loved ones made our jobs easy. When you’ve built a life and a cir­cle of fam­i­ly and friends like Kris­ten and Chris­t­ian, being present and in the moment just comes naturally.

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