Tianne + Yam Ki — The one person I love eating with the most


With some pret­ty hilar­i­ous door crash­ing games, three tea cer­e­monies, wardrobe changes, and a last-minute first look — all with­in a span of five hours — we had to be on top of our game and one step ahead of all the fun in order to make Tianne and Yam Ki’s same-day edit come togeth­er in a way that show­cased all the mag­ic of their day.

We first met Tianne and Yam Ki last Octo­ber. Although it’s some­thing we’re more used to now, they were the very first cou­ple that booked us before any­thing else (need­less to say, we were hon­oured). They flew in from Wash­ing­ton D.C. and told us that they were pret­ty set on hav­ing their recep­tion at the Bel­lvue Manor in Toron­to, but they did­n’t have a date booked yet. They sim­ply knew they want­ed their wed­ding day to be in July, and asked what we had in terms of avail­abil­i­ty. We’re so lucky every­thing fell into place — with­in a few weeks, we were offi­cial­ly their wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phers, and from the small glimpse we got of their day from that first meet­ing, we knew theirs was going to be a very spe­cial wed­ding film.

Groom's Prep - Chinese Wedding Bride's Prep - Wedding Video Toronto Wedding Videography

Because they live in D.C., we resort­ed to e‑mail and Skype to get to know who Tianne and Yam Ki real­ly are, and over the course of a few months, we became expo­nen­tial­ly more excit­ed to tell their story.

What we found out: Tianne and Yam Ki are a fun-loving cou­ple who love to eat out and try restau­rants just as much as they like to cook up their own tasty cre­ations at home. They play per­fect­ly off each oth­er and are so much fun to be around. When they flew into Toron­to to shoot their How We Met shoot with us, they delight­ed us with sto­ries from ear­ly on in their rela­tion­ship — all of them hilar­i­ous, and near­ly all of them hap­pened on the week­end in which Yam Ki first met Tian­ne’s parents.

As we left Tian­ne’s par­ents’ home that day, we got a clear­er pic­ture of what sto­ry we want­ed to tell. From our very first meet­ing, they told us that Chi­nese tra­di­tion would play a huge part of their day, even though they con­sid­er them­selves to be more of a mod­ern Chi­nese cou­ple. In the weeks lead­ing up to their wed­ding, we knew that that  had to be the premise for their entire film — the tran­si­tion from tra­di­tion to mod­ern. We want­ed to show their fam­i­ly cel­e­brat­ing their union, and then progress into the begin­ning of their jour­ney together.

Chinese Wedding Games Chinese Wedding Games Chinese Wedding Games Tianne watching games on iPadTianne Toronto Chinese Wedding

How would we do this? We start with the theme of fam­i­ly — Yam Ki tells us of the first time he met Tian­ne’s par­ents. As their film moves into their actu­al wed­ding day, we estab­lish the idea of their rela­tion­ship as a jour­ney when Yam Ki tells us of the first time they met. We play this against tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese door-crashing games in which Yam Ki and his grooms­men must over­come a set of chal­lenges from Tian­ne’s brides­maids to gain entrance into her home and see her for the first time. As Yam Ki makes his vows “in front of their friends and fam­i­ly”, we see these very peo­ple at their tra­di­tion­al tea cer­e­monies — this is the point where we tran­si­tion into Tianne and Yam Ki’s new jour­ney togeth­er. She changes into her wed­ding dress for her cer­e­mo­ny, and we see the West­ern tra­di­tion come into play as she heads off for her first look. The film ends with a glimpse of just how charis­mat­ic and fun the two can be as they per­form their chore­o­graphed first dance togeth­er, fam­i­ly and friends in the background.

Tea Ceremony Video Tea Ceremony Toronto Cinematography Tea Ceremony tyk-13

We had a basic out­line of this idea drawn up for their same-day edit, and when Yam Ki sent us a copy of his vows a few days before their wed­ding, we were so hap­py that they fit with our vision. We always say that half of a wed­ding day is what we plan, and half of it is what comes to be. We knew what sto­ry we want­ed to tell and planned as much as we could, but it was up to fate to let all the pieces fall into place per­fect­ly. Going into the day, we did­n’t know we were going to do a first look — it’s some­thing that just came to be, and we had a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent plan for how to end the film. But it hap­pened, and it was per­fect, and so we went with it. Because cin­e­matog­ra­phy was such an impor­tant part of pre­serv­ing their mem­o­ry, Tianne and Yam Ki were com­mit­ted to doing what­ev­er it took to make the best film pos­si­ble, and that gave us a lot of dif­fer­ent cre­ative pos­si­bil­i­ties and made the unplanned — like an impromp­tu first look — all the more magical.

First Dance Choreographed

We’re so hap­py with how this one came togeth­er. While edit­ing dur­ing their recep­tion, we were so excit­ed with the way the sto­ry was shap­ing up that we just kept edit­ing away, and before we knew it, we had some­thing that was almost six-minutes long (we still would­n’t be able find a frame to cut out of it if you asked us to, though)! So, give it a watch and, as always, let us know what you think!

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