Vanessa + Gabriel — The living reflection of my dreams.

Vanes­sa and Gabriel’s recep­tion was some­thing to behold. Not only were there flow­ers hang­ing, sit­ting, and spilling out of every cor­ner of the room, but the can­dles and rich, fall decor com­bined with the neon glow of the Globe and Mail Cen­tre cre­at­ed an entire­ly sur­re­al atmosphere.

As V+G men­tion in their speech, Toron­to played a piv­otal role in their rela­tion­ship, so it’s only fit­ting that their venue also over­looked the beau­ti­ful sky­line at night; CN Tow­er glow­ing bright­ly through the clouds.

The city’s pres­ence is felt in every frame of this film as their wed­ding day takes us through and across Toron­to, from their church, to a bohemi­an loft and final­ly, the Globe and Mail Cen­tre. Not to men­tion their stroll through Ron­ces­valles, the neigh­bour­hood in which Gabriel popped the ques­tion, which we shot before the wed­ding day.

This is a beau­ti­ful, epic sto­ry from begin­ning to end 🌌

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