A Place for Us to Be a Family | A Lifestyle Film.

Tara McMullen is one of our favourite wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers to work with in Toron­to. Her work is as beau­ti­ful as her per­son­al­i­ty and we always look for­ward to catch­ing up with her dur­ing the few wed­dings we shoot togeth­er each sea­son. That was espe­cial­ly true last year, as we had been dying to hear about her recent move from the city to Prince Edward Coun­ty where she had decid­ed to ren­o­vate and live in an old church with her son, Lachlan.

To this day, the warmth of Tara and Lachlan’s inter­ac­tions fill our hearts and their laugh­ter echo­ing off of the large cham­bers of their home puts the widest of smiles on our faces.

So in between all the danc­ing at Jess and Misha’s wed­ding, she told us about all the recent changes to her life, touch­ing on a few of her favourite things about Lochy, before ask­ing us a sim­ple ques­tion: “would you two be inter­est­ed in doc­u­ment­ing a day in the life of me and Lachlan?”
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The making of a commercial film for Shick.

Schick Commercial Film - Baby

We want a film about the way peo­ple relate to their skin.

That’s all Schick told us when they con­tact­ed us regard­ing a poten­tial com­mer­cial project that would kick­start a pre­sen­ta­tion about their upcom­ing prod­uct launch­es for their North Amer­i­can reps. That, and the fact that they need­ed deliv­ery in just under a month. We were hap­py to oblige.

The icing on the cake was that we had com­plete cre­ative con­trol — some­thing that is rare for this type of project, where we’d usu­al­ly be work­ing along­side a direc­tor and a myr­i­ad of cre­ative and tal­ent agen­cies. Instead, we were the cre­ative, copy, and art depart­ment all in one.

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