Melissa + Steve — You are totally my favourite.

We’d like to think that if you met Melis­sa and Steve on any oth­er day in which they weren’t get­ting mar­ried, you would see exact­ly what you see in this film. That’s because their day was sim­ply ooz­ing with per­son­al­i­ty and every­thing just came togeth­er in a way that  allowed us to cre­ate a per­fect por­trait of who these two real­ly are.

We’ll start from the top. We first met Melis­sa and Steve this past win­ter. They’re wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phers them­selves and so we imme­di­ate­ly hit it off over cof­fee; talk­ing about our jobs, our indus­try, and our favourite films of the past year. We dis­cussed their day, and with every detail, we became more and more excit­ed about every­thing they had planned.

Straight Shave Groom Prep Straight Shave TorontoBride's Prep Thompson Hotel Bride's Prep Thompson Hotel

Now over the next few months, we could­n’t stop run­ning into them every time we were in Toron­to. We’d see them at Tiff Bell Light­box on our way to catch a movie, we’d see Steve on Queen St. West, then Melis­sa in Zara a cou­ple of hours lat­er. See­ing them walk about the city, we real­ized what an inte­gral part of them Toron­to has become, and all the walk­ing around and quick loca­tion changes on the wed­ding day took on a much deep­er mean­ing with­in their film. Along­side the cou­ple, Toron­to is a huge char­ac­ter in this sto­ry and one that is loom­ing over every mile­stone of their day.

Steve Bowtie Steve Socks Melissa Dress

One evening, a few weeks before the wed­ding, we met for drinks at the Thomp­son Hotel just before head­ing up to see the rooftop in which they were plan­ning to share their first look, and we heard for the first time about their love for cof­fee. Now we love our cof­fee, and we have friends who are cof­fee fanat­ics, but no one real­ly loves cof­fee as much as Melis­sa and Steve. They went on and on about the dif­fer­ent types of cof­fee they reg­u­lar­ly drink and the dif­fer­ent ways they make it. Steve men­tioned that him and his grooms­men would be head­ing to Ear­ly Bird in the morn­ing to have siphon cof­fee and explained what exact­ly that was. We were so hap­py that their love for cof­fee was nat­u­ral­ly worked into their day and decid­ed we’d def­i­nite­ly have to tag along for that adven­ture. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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The MoVI M5 — First thoughts on flying a Canon C100.

Freefly Systems Movi M5 - Outside In Studio

Like a lot of film­mak­ers out there, when we first saw Vin­cent Lafore­t’s behind-the-scenes video show­cas­ing Freefly Sys­tem’s Movi M10, we were very excit­ed. A tool that uses motors to sta­bi­lize a cam­era on a 3‑axis gim­bal? Yep, that’s pret­ty cool, but what real­ly made it rev­o­lu­tion­ary was its design. You did­n’t need a vest to oper­ate it, and it was­n’t cum­ber­some, or long, or wide. It was actu­al­ly a pret­ty small set­up, and when we saw the oper­a­tors pass the rig through hula-hoops, dip it close to the ground, and hop on roller blades in one take, we all knew the game had been changed.

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Alexandra + Joshua — Mountains are made molehills.

This film is the rea­son we shoot weddings.

We shoot to cap­ture peo­ple, places, and moments — bring­ing them to life in a way no one could have imag­ined. We tell sto­ries. We cap­ture mem­o­ries. And we com­bine these ele­ments to cre­ate a wed­ding film that allows our cou­ples to relive these mag­i­cal moments. When a stranger is able to watch our films and be com­plete­ly engaged with the sto­ry we’re telling and make a per­son­al con­nec­tion to the cou­ple in the heart of it all, we know we’ve done our job. It’s beau­ti­ful­ly empow­er­ing. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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The making of a commercial film for Shick.

Schick Commercial Film - Baby

We want a film about the way peo­ple relate to their skin.

That’s all Schick told us when they con­tact­ed us regard­ing a poten­tial com­mer­cial project that would kick­start a pre­sen­ta­tion about their upcom­ing prod­uct launch­es for their North Amer­i­can reps. That, and the fact that they need­ed deliv­ery in just under a month. We were hap­py to oblige.

The icing on the cake was that we had com­plete cre­ative con­trol — some­thing that is rare for this type of project, where we’d usu­al­ly be work­ing along­side a direc­tor and a myr­i­ad of cre­ative and tal­ent agen­cies. Instead, we were the cre­ative, copy, and art depart­ment all in one.

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