Emma + Mark — You’re the line to my kite.

There are some wed­ding films that are almost impos­si­ble to describe because the video itself so per­fect­ly encap­su­lates a cou­ple and their cel­e­bra­tion. This is the case for Emma and Mark.

I mean, how do you put into words Emma’s infec­tious laugh­ter, Mark’s calm­ing pres­ence, how pal­pa­ble their love is when they are with each oth­er, or how their wed­ding com­plete­ly trans­formed Ever­green Brick­works with one of the most elab­o­rate cock­tail and recep­tion lay­outs we’ve ever seen.

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Sydney + Ryan — We have made every place feel like home.

Although Syd­ney and Ryan had already reserved us as their wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phers by the time Aryne and John cel­e­brat­ed their own wed­ding last year, we hadn’t yet had a chance to meet in per­son. We didn’t know what they looked like or that they’d even be there, but we were imme­di­ate­ly drawn to them and they end­ed up mak­ing quite of num­ber of appear­ances in that film (you can’t miss Ryan on the dance floor with his sun­glass­es on upside down, mak­ing faces at the cam­era, drink in hand). They just had that per­fect “some­thing” that we always look for when cap­tur­ing guests enjoy­ing a wed­ding day — they had fun, were nat­ur­al, easy-going, and lost them­selves in each moment, for­get­ting we were even there. 

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Seija + Dave — My first love. My only love.

This. This is a per­fect film. Raw. Emo­tion­al. Real.

The dec­o­ra­tions, the spaces — they all play a minor role with­in the whole. What tru­ly dri­ves this sto­ry is the per­son­al­i­ty and emo­tion behind Sei­ja and Dave’s day. It’s over­whelm­ing­ly present through­out every frame of this film.

Laugh­ter. Silli­ness. These are con­stants through­out the nar­ra­tive and fair game dur­ing any por­tion of their day — includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to) Sei­ja jump­ing back and forth at the end of the aisle dur­ing her walk­down. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Jess + Misha — You knocked my socks off hard.

As Jess and Misha’s offi­ciant, Tracey, so elo­quent­ly puts it near the open­ing of this wed­ding film: love can’t be defined by any sin­gle moment. It’s all the lit­tle moments. It’s every moment.

Love can’t be defined by any sin­gle moment. It’s all the lit­tle moments. It’s every moment.

This is a sen­ti­ment that not only rings true for Jess and Misha, but also for their multi-layered nar­ra­tive, which draws from their read­ings, cards and vows to cre­ate a piece that weaves togeth­er each moment from this incred­i­ble day. Whether it’s some­thing as mon­u­men­tal as the couple’s chore­o­graphed hip-hop dance rou­tine or some­thing as spon­ta­neous as Jess peak­ing out her hotel win­dow to catch Misha and the grooms­men walk­ing by, each moment — big or small — is a key com­po­nent of this beau­ti­ful­ly com­plex sto­ry. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Allie + Cody — 10+ years in the making.

As Allie men­tions in this film, in the NHL, the off-season is the only time you can real­ly count on for non-hockey-related endeav­ours. She was refer­ring to the one time of year that Cody could real­is­ti­cal­ly pro­pose, but it’s some­thing we’ve learned from NHL wed­dings: you meet the cou­ple in the off-season and you don’t see them again until the fol­low­ing off-season just a cou­ple of weeks before the wed­ding and amidst the player’s strict train­ing schedule.

Muskoka Wedding Videographer Muskoka Cottage Video Shoot Muskoka Couple Portrait Shoot Muskoka Woods Summer Camp Couple Allie and Cody Goloubef NHL wedding

Allie and Cody first met at their sum­mer camp, Musko­ka Woods, when they were just kids. The camp itself is just a short boat ride away from their cot­tage, so from our first meet­ing, we always talked about revis­it­ing it with them and doing some of their favourite activ­i­ties on the water. As amaz­ing as this all sound­ed, find­ing a time to head up to Musko­ka proved almost impos­si­ble between Cody’s train­ing and the crazy weath­er lead­ing up to each shoot. After a cou­ple of can­cel­la­tions, we nailed a date just a week and a half before the wed­ding day and decid­ed we’d make it work regard­less. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Blakeny + Corey — We are all a little weird.

Blakeny and Corey Perry's stunning wedding film by Outside In Studio

If you fol­low hock­ey at all, you’ll prob­a­bly rec­og­nize the groom in this video as Corey Per­ry from the Ana­heim Ducks. You’d also prob­a­bly know about the incred­i­ble sea­son they just wrapped up and why we then only had a cou­ple of weeks between the time he and Blak­e­ny got back up to Cana­da and their wed­ding day to get to know them and put togeth­er this beau­ti­ful lit­tle same-day edit for them.

Corey Perry NHL Cottage Corey and Blake Stand Up Paddleboard Corey and Blake Paddleboard Corey Perry NHL Aneheim Ducks

Over the past year, we e‑mailed back and forth with Blak­e­ny to get a sense of who the real Blake and Corey are; how they met, how the pro­pos­al came about, what they like to do togeth­er, etc. They final­ly found them­selves in Toron­to in Decem­ber when the Ducks were facing-off against the Leafs. We took the chance to meet Blak­e­ny over cof­fee and real­ly hit it off. She told us that Corey trav­els so much dur­ing the sea­son that when he’s final­ly off, they escape their Cal­i­for­nia home and make for their cot­tage in Peter­bor­ough, Ontario to wind down for a few weeks.

Bride's Prep Four Seasons Toronto Wedding Groom's Prep Four Seasons Toronto Wedding Blake Opens Her Gift Bride's Prep Four Seasons Toronto Wedding

We com­plete­ly loved this idea and pro­posed that we tag along on one of their lazy cot­tage days and cap­ture them get­ting a lit­tle R&R. Now the tim­ing would be the hard­est part of it all — the wed­ding sea­son being such a crazy busy time of year for us and the Ducks com­ing clos­er and clos­er to the Stan­ley cup as the sum­mer pro­gressed. Luck­i­ly, we were able to final­ly nail down a date the week before their wed­ding and we all met at their cot­tage. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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