Laya + Charlie — With you, I dream so much bigger.

Set on an expan­sive, tree-lined fam­i­ly farm in Ontario, Laya and Charlie’s wed­ding not only cel­e­brat­ed their mar­riage but also the rela­tion­ships and friend­ships that have shaped and mold­ed these two into the peo­ple they are today. The pres­ence of their friends and fam­i­ly is felt through every beat of this nar­ra­tive as we see their guests’ jour­ney, from their ren­dezvous under the big tree over­look­ing the pond, through the woods and across a field to the cer­e­mo­ny space, and over and through the tall grass to the clear-roofed tent where they shared a beau­ti­ful recep­tion din­ner. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Seija + Dave — My first love. My only love.

This. This is a per­fect film. Raw. Emo­tion­al. Real.

The dec­o­ra­tions, the spaces — they all play a minor role with­in the whole. What tru­ly dri­ves this sto­ry is the per­son­al­i­ty and emo­tion behind Sei­ja and Dave’s day. It’s over­whelm­ing­ly present through­out every frame of this film.

Laugh­ter. Silli­ness. These are con­stants through­out the nar­ra­tive and fair game dur­ing any por­tion of their day — includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to) Sei­ja jump­ing back and forth at the end of the aisle dur­ing her walk­down. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Aryne + John — You point my compass in the right direction.

There was a lot of excite­ment behind Aryne and John’s wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion amongst the rows of vines that line Peller Estates. You could feel it in the room that evening. Not only were Aryne and John’s fam­i­ly and friends cel­e­brat­ing their love and mar­riage, but also John’s return home to Toron­to after sign­ing with the Maple Leafs just weeks before the wed­ding. And while that excite­ment amount­ed to one of the most epic par­ties (and wine cel­lar after-parties) that we’ve ever filmed, it plays a much more impor­tant role in the nar­ra­tive, where after 7 years of long-distance, John comes home to Aryne and the two are no longer bur­dened by Skype calls and squeez­ing in short vis­its to NYC where they could. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Rachel + Lorne — You shine as my brightest light.

It’s hard to find the right words to describe this cou­ple and their incred­i­ble day at Kurtz Orchard. It feels like any words we con­jure man­age to only bare­ly scratch the sur­face of this pow­er­ful film. For one, there’s the nar­ra­tive — lay­ered through var­i­ous per­spec­tives and aid­ed by visu­al cues that move the sto­ry along. Then, there’s the jaw-dropping imagery — thanks in part to an omi­nous­ly over­cast day and the per­fect light that would break through the clouds every so often. And then there’s the fer­ris wheel, the clas­sic Impala, the stroll through the vine­yards at dusk with beau­ti­ful white hors­es, the tree-lined cer­e­mo­ny, and tent­ed recep­tion amongst the vines.

Rachel and Lorne Wedding Day Breakfast Rachel and Lorne Wedding Day Breakfast

And at the heart of all of these awe-inspiring ele­ments are Rachel + Lorne and their abil­i­ty to nat­u­ral­ly and can­did­ly lose them­selves in each other’s gaze. Seri­ous­ly, this hap­pens count­less times through­out their wed­ding film. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Fiona + Douglas — I will love you until we are ghosts.

In a lit­tle cab­in in the mid­dle of the Cana­di­an wilder­ness, Fiona and Dou­glas spent the morn­ing of their wed­ding day togeth­er. He steamed her dress; she got her make-up done. He played gui­tar; she sang as she got her hair done. When she was fin­ished, they got dressed togeth­er and drove to their cer­e­mo­ny at the Ganaras­ka For­est Cen­tre where, under the canopy shel­ter­ing them and their loved ones from the pour­ing rain, they exchanged per­son­al vows. Togeth­er, they did away with just about every con­ven­tion and tra­di­tion regard­ing bride and groom prepa­ra­tions — and it was absolute­ly mag­i­cal. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Rubeeta + Narendra — A love greater than love.

There was some­thing that stayed with us from our very first meet­ing with Rubee­ta. She want­ed a wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er that could look beyond the grand­ness that can gen­er­al­ly char­ac­ter­ize south asian wed­dings. She want­ed us to cap­ture the still­ness of the inti­mate moments amidst all the cer­e­monies, cel­e­bra­tions and per­for­mances. In short, she was speak­ing right to our hearts.

Sanctuary in Prince Edward County

Our entire style and film­mak­ing approach is based on the idea of bring­ing per­son­al­i­ty and an emo­tion­al, impact­ful nar­ra­tive to com­pli­ment extrav­a­gant cel­e­bra­tions; hon­ing in on the lit­tle moments that speak about the cou­ple, their loved ones, and their over-arching sto­ry. It’s some­thing we’ve done for mul­ti­ple NHL wed­dings, Marie-Antoinette-themed muse­um soirees with bal­leri­nas, multi-day bohemi­an vine­yard cel­e­bra­tions, etc, etc. And yet, Rubee­ta inspired us to take that approach a step fur­ther. Not that it was dif­fi­cult, either. Rubee­ta and Naren­dra togeth­er exude that very still­ness — a qui­et calm­ness in which only they exist. It’s a mag­i­cal, spir­i­tu­al thing to behold.

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A Place for Us to Be a Family | A Lifestyle Film.

Tara McMullen is one of our favourite wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers to work with in Toron­to. Her work is as beau­ti­ful as her per­son­al­i­ty and we always look for­ward to catch­ing up with her dur­ing the few wed­dings we shoot togeth­er each sea­son. That was espe­cial­ly true last year, as we had been dying to hear about her recent move from the city to Prince Edward Coun­ty where she had decid­ed to ren­o­vate and live in an old church with her son, Lachlan.

To this day, the warmth of Tara and Lachlan’s inter­ac­tions fill our hearts and their laugh­ter echo­ing off of the large cham­bers of their home puts the widest of smiles on our faces.

So in between all the danc­ing at Jess and Misha’s wed­ding, she told us about all the recent changes to her life, touch­ing on a few of her favourite things about Lochy, before ask­ing us a sim­ple ques­tion: “would you two be inter­est­ed in doc­u­ment­ing a day in the life of me and Lachlan?”
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Adventuring Through Hawaii | Big Island + Kauai 2018

If you fol­low us on Insta­gram or have skimmed through our web­site in the slight­est, then you know that trav­el is a huge part of who we are. We’ve always put a pri­or­i­ty on explor­ing the world and deeply val­ue each and every sin­gle moment we’ve shared in the places we’ve vis­it­ed. And while we’ve doc­u­ment­ed each of these occa­sions exten­sive­ly through pho­tos, we’ve always regret­ted not get­ting a chance to film our adven­tures. So when we booked our recent trip to Hawaii, we promised our­selves that we’d do what­ev­er it takes to put a trav­el video togeth­er — one that would cap­ture the essence and sights of the islands we were vis­it­ing (Big Island + Kauai) and the expe­ri­ences we’d share. So we did just that.
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