Morgan + Adam — There will never be another you.

As Mor­gan and Adam recount in their speech­es, they were all-in from the moment they met. It was a seam­less tran­si­tion from that con­ver­sa­tion at a bar near Uti­ca Col­lege to the life they built togeth­er across New York and Cana­da. This effort­less love is imme­di­ate­ly felt when in their pres­ence and made their wed­ding day an absolute joy to be a part of. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Jordan + Andrew — You are my synchronicity.

There were quite a few things we were excit­ed about going into Jor­dan and Andrew’s wed­ding day. For one, it would be tak­ing place at Kurtz Orchards in Nia­gara on the Lake, one of our favourite vine­yards in Ontario. They would also be shar­ing a sparkler-lit first dance in front of a coach house dur­ing gold­en hour. On top of that, they would also be hav­ing a horse join them at sun­set for a stroll through the vines.

All of these ele­ments lent them­selves to a fairy­tale, sto­ry­book theme that allow Jor­dan and Andrew’s dreamy dec­o­ra­tions, pic­turesque back­drops, and emo­tion­al nar­ra­tive to shine through. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Jessica + Matthew — There was something different about you.

We met with Jess + Matt over a year and a half ago, just before they jet-setted to the UK to start a new chap­ter of their lives togeth­er. We didn’t know it at the time, but this was char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly “them” — for­ev­er trav­el­ling, for­ev­er mov­ing, always adventuring.

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What’s In Our Travel Gear Bag?

Today on the edu­ca­tion­al YouTube, we tack­le our trav­el gear bag. Since we first post­ed our Hawaii trav­el video last year, we’ve received a ton of ques­tions on what cam­eras we bring and what our setups look like and, see­ing as we just recent­ly post­ed our Por­tu­gal film, it seemed like the per­fect time to make a video high­light­ing just that. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Best In-Camera Tools For Incredible Canon Cinema Footage

One ques­tion we’re always asked is how we get our Canon C100 and C200 footage to look so good. Well, while there’s no secret for­mu­la or hack, today on the Youtube, we tack­le the best in-camera tools that will help shoot­ers achieve incred­i­ble Canon Cin­e­ma footage. It all comes down to under­stand­ing the lim­i­ta­tions of your cam­era and cap­tur­ing a bal­anced image that will grade beau­ti­ful­ly in post. See what we mean in the video above.

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Lindsay + Matt — Someone to build a life with.

Lind­say and Matt met 10 years ago at West­ern — that is if you don’t count the time Lind­say spot­ted him walk­ing into her 2nd year mar­ket­ing class look­ing like a snow­board­er dude. It’s a memory-filled loca­tion that’s dear to their hearts and one they sug­gest­ed we revis­it for their por­trait shoot a few weeks before their wed­ding. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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Grace + Brett — Out in the woods.

This is one of those per­fect sto­ries whose themes are so strong that all the pieces just fall into place effort­less­ly. Grace and Brett met and fell in love at the Tay­lor Stat­ten camps on Lake Canoe in Algo­nquin Park and, six years lat­er, they brought their loved ones to this very site for a weekend-long wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion. And while this set­ting is impor­tant to their nar­ra­tive, it speaks on a grander scale of who they are indi­vid­u­al­ly and together.

Algonquin Park Canoe RaceCanoe RaceCanoe RaceAlgonquin Park Canoe RaceCanoe RaceAlgonquin Park Portage con­tin­ue read­ing »
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Staci + Mitch — What draws us to the fire.

To say that The Four Sea­sons Hotel in Toron­to is a wed­ding videographer’s dream is an under­state­ment. It’s mod­ern aes­thet­ic relies on a care­ful bal­ance between min­i­mal­ist and bold design, accent­ed by strik­ing lines and mir­rored sur­faces to cre­ate its dis­tinc­tive look. It’s a place that’s dear to our hearts. So, you can imag­ine our excite­ment when Staci + Mitch told us their entire wed­ding day — morn­ing to evening — would be tak­ing place at the Four Sea­sons. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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