A Vibrant Hindu Fusion Wedding at Graydon Hall Manor

Mol­lie and Con­nor reached out to us in 2021 after binge watch­ing our films on Youtube and falling in love with our wed­ding cin­e­matog­ra­phy and sto­ry­telling approach. Based in Van­cou­ver, they were remote­ly plan­ning their Gray­don Hall Manor cel­e­bra­tion in Toron­to — their hometown.

And while we’ve shot count­less beau­ti­ful and jaw-dropping events at Gray­don Hall through­out the years, Mol­lie and Connor’s spe­cial day marked a unique first – a vibrant Hin­du wed­ding across the ele­gant grounds. This colour­ful cel­e­bra­tion was a remark­able fusion of tra­di­tions and cul­tures, turn­ing the beau­ti­ful gar­dens and court­yards of Gray­don Hall into the per­fect back­drop for M+C’s love story.

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Romantic Spring Garden Wedding At Graydon Hall Manor

Set in the always beau­ti­ful Gray­don Hall Manor in Toron­to, Danielle and Andrew’s was a day we’ve been look­ing for­ward to since Emma (Andrew’s sis­ter) and Mark com­plete­ly trans­formed Ever­green Brick­works into an enchant­ed gar­den last year. We felt so wel­comed and at ease with their fam­i­lies and knew that D+A’s wed­ding would be noth­ing short of magical. 

A bride and groom stand in front of Graydon Hall Manor by Outside In Studio, Toronto Wedding Videographers Smiling Wedding Couple Hold Each Other Close con­tin­ue read­ing »
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Kalinka + Adriano — Your love is all I ever dreamt of.

We’ve said it before and we know we’ll say it again: the most sig­nif­i­cant piece of advise we can give our cou­ples is to be ful­ly present in and enjoy the wed­ding day. Tru­ly live it. Take in every moment of the celebration.

It makes all the dif­fer­ence in the final wed­ding video.

You can feel the ener­gy when a cou­ple is ful­ly invest­ed in their day. The guests’ excite­ment dur­ing the cock­tail hour tends to build into incred­i­ble recep­tion entrances and wild dance floors. It’s a vibe.

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Bindia + Jonathan — You truly saw me.

As you make your way through our body of work, you’ll like­ly pick up on just how impor­tant of a role music plays in each piece we put togeth­er. It’s some­thing we get asked about almost as often as our colour grad­ing or our lens choic­es, and we think that’s because we tend to make bold choic­es across our projects.

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Bianca + Massimo — I’m lucky to call you my better half.

You wouldn’t be able to tell after watch­ing Bian­ca and Massimo’s film that their wed­ding took place in the mid­dle of a pandemic.

Yet despite all the hur­dles, hard­ships and dif­fi­cul­ties that 2020 pre­sent­ed these two, they nev­er wavered. They were going to get mar­ried on Sep­tem­ber 26 regard­less of what that cel­e­bra­tion looked like. There’s some­thing real­ly pow­er­ful about that sentiment.

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Nicole + JF — You were worth the wait.

It’s hard to not get absolute­ly all the feels when watch­ing this film . Hon­est­ly, 😆😍🥺😵🤯😭😮🤩☺️. And while we wish we could take all the cred­it for just how pow­er­ful this film is, we’d be remiss if we didn’t men­tion Nicole + JF and their abil­i­ty to lose them­selves in each oth­er and every sin­gle moment of their day. And, fire­works. Lots and lots of fire­works. con­tin­ue read­ing »

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